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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> <br /> Action: An Ordinance Concerning Real Property Compensation; Adding Sections <br /> 2.070, 2.075, 2.080, 2.085, 2.090, and 2.095 to the Eugene Code, 1971; Declaring an <br /> Emergency; and Providing an Immediate Effective Date <br /> <br />Meeting Date: November 24, 2004 Agenda Item Number: A <br />Department: City Attorney's Office Staff Contact: Glenn Klein <br />www. cl. eugene, or. us Contact Telephone Number: 682-5080 <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />Ballot Measure 37 was passed by the voters at the November 2nd election. The measure generally grants <br />to property owners the right to be compensated, or to have regulations removed or modified, where <br />certain types of land use regulations restrict the use of private real property, the restrictions reduce the <br />value of the property, and the owner had acquired the property before the regulation was adopted. The <br />council is authorized, but not required, to adopt a Measure 37 claims processing ordinance prior to the <br />effective date of Measure 37. The two primary questions at this point are whether the council should <br />adopt such an ordinance, and if so, what provisions should be included within it. <br /> <br />A work session was held on November 8, 2004, on an ordinance implementing Measure 37's real <br />property compensation procedures, and the public hearing on the ordinance that had been scheduled for <br />the same night was postponed to, and held on, November 15, 2004. The council also directed that the <br />public hearing be continued on November 22, 2004, to provide the public with a longer time period in <br />which to review and comment on the proposed ordinance. Following the public hearing, the council <br />asked a number of questions; those questions are addressed in Attachment 2. <br /> <br />Note: The proposed ordinance contains an immediate effective date which is being requested in order <br />to make the ordinance effective upon passage. Six affirmative votes are required to pass the <br />ordinance with an immediate effective date. If the ordinance is approved with less than six votes, it <br />will be effective 30 days after passage. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Prior to the November 2, 2004, election the City Council held a work session on September 29, 2004, to <br />discuss the legal implications and potential effects of State Ballot Measure 37 on various City processes, <br />including land use policies in the Metro Plan, refinement plans, growth management strategies and <br />provisions of the City's land use code. The City Manager advised that the City Attorneys' Office would <br />be working with staff from the Planning Division, Building and Permit Services Division, and the Public <br />Works Department to explore various options available to the City if Measure 37 passed. At the <br />conclusion of the work session, the council approved a resolution expressing the council's opposition to <br />the passage of Ballot Measure 37. <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M041124\S041124A. doc <br /> <br /> <br />