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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER <br />May 15, 2008 <br />City of Eugene <br />777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401-2793 <br />(541) 682-5010 <br />(541) 682-5414 (FAX) <br /> <br />IN THIS WEEK’S EDITION <br />PUBLIC WORKS RECEIVES GRANT FROM ODFW TO HELP RESTORE DELTA PONDS <br />THE MINOR CODE AMENDMENT PROJECT UPDATE <br />MAKE-UP ARTIST ASSISTS WITH MASS-CASUALTY DRILLS <br />HULT CENTER SPECIAL SEATING NOW AVAILABLE ON THE WEB <br />EUGENE 08 NEIGHBORHOOD GRANTS <br />RECREATION SERVICES OFFERS FUN, ADVENTURE AND 100 SUMMER CAMPS <br />AROUND THE CITY <br />Public Works Receives Grant from ODFW to Help Restore Delta Ponds <br />With regular sightings of bald eagles, osprey, <br />river otters, and a wide variety of other bird and <br />wildlife species, Delta Ponds is one of the best <br />places in the Eugene area for wildlife viewing. <br />The City’s on-going habitat enhancement <br />project at Delta Ponds was just awarded an <br />$81,000 grant from the Oregon Department of <br />Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) to continue <br />enhancing the riparian area of the ponds. The <br />funding from this grant will be used to plant <br />9,500 native trees and shrubs over the next two <br />years. This work will complement the upcoming <br />riparian slope construction work that the City <br />and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will be <br />undertaking at Delta Ponds this coming <br />summer. <br />ODFW’s “150 Grant Program” is a one-time funding source aimed at projects that enhance habitat for <br />one or more of Oregon's state symbols (Chinook salmon, American beaver, Western meadowlark, and <br />th <br />Oregon swallowtail) in preparation for Oregon's 150 birthday celebration in 2009. The Delta Ponds <br />project benefits two of the four state symbols: Chinook salmon and American beaver. <br />Over the past several years, the City of Eugene has collaborated with local, state, and federal partners to <br />restore this side-channel habitat of the Willamette River. The primary goals of this effort are to re- <br />establish hydrological connections between the mainstream Willamette River and the Delta Ponds so that <br />the Delta Ponds system serves as a side-channel to the Willamette River (as it did historically), improve <br />in-stream and riparian habitat for a wide variety of species including Chinook salmon, American beaver, <br />Western pond turtle, river otter, and neo-tropical migratory birds, and provide appropriate levels of <br />interpretation and public access to the Delta Ponds. <br />For more information about the grant or the Delta Ponds Restoration Project, please contact Eric Wold, <br />Natural Resources Manager, at 682-4842 or Scott Milovich, Principal Landscape Architect, at 682-6086. <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 <br />May 16, 2008 <br />