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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER <br />May 29, 2008 <br />City of Eugene <br />777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401-2793 <br />(541) 682-5010 <br />(541) 682-5414 (FAX) <br /> <br />IN THIS WEEK’S EDITION <br />BAILEY HILL ROAD SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS PUBLIC PROCESS CONTINUES <br />BEAM DEVELOPMENT UPDATE <br />BROCHURES NOTIFY CUSTOMERS OF NEW WASTEWATER AND STORMWATER USER FEES <br />PREPARATIONS UNDER WAY FOR 2008 SAFETY FEST <br />PLANNING DIVISION HIRES CONSULTANT TO BEGIN LANDS ASSESSMENT <br />"BACH AT THE LIBRARY" MINI-CONCERT <br />NEWSLETTER HIGHLIGHTS HEALTHY LAWNS, PESKY MOSS & OTHER NATURE-FRIENDLY TIPS <br />AROUND THE CITY <br />Bailey Hill Road Safety Improvements Public Process Continues <br />On the evening of Wednesday, May 7, neighborhood residents, project stakeholders and City staff from a <br />variety of departments participated in a walking tour of the Bailey Hill Road project site. The tour <br />provided participants with a first-hand look at opportunities and challenges for various options, including a <br />possible reconfiguration of the four-lane undivided roadway to a two-lane roadway with a center turn lane. <br />One of the notable outcomes of the walking tour was the ability for participants to experience the site from <br />the perspective of a pedestrian. <br />Immediately preceding the walking tour, City staff gave a presentation recapping the first workshop held <br />in April and outlining the process goals and desired outcomes. The primary goal of the process is to <br />th <br />gauge community support for design alternatives between 18 Avenue and Warren Street that increase <br />the safety for all road users while also ensuring that existing and future traffic volumes are <br />accommodated. City staff will present a preliminary concept design that takes into account feedback <br />received to date at a third community meeting on Wednesday, June 4, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the <br />Churchill High School Library, 1850 Bailey Hill Road. Additional information is available at www.eugene- <br />, or by calling David Roth, Associate Transportation Planner, at 682-5727, or through <br />email at <br />Beam Development Update <br />On May 23, 2008, Beam Development signed a Purchase and Sale Agreement (PSA) with the Urban <br />Renewal Agency (URA) for the purchase of the Centre Court building and adjacent vacant lot, and the <br />Washburne Building. Beam also paid $50,000 in additional deposit money and assumed responsibility <br />for the URA’s existing $470,000 deposit. The purchase prices for the properties total $3.6 million. <br />The URA is scheduled to purchase the properties on or before July 7, 2008, followed by the sale of the <br />properties to Beam for their redevelopment project. Beam plans to renovate the Centre Court building for <br />retail and office uses. They are also proposing to construct a new retail and office building on the <br />adjacent vacant lot. Renovations and construction are estimated to begin in the spring of 2009. Beam is <br />planning to renovate the Washburne Building in a subsequent phase. For additional information, contact <br />Denny Braud in the Planning and Development Department at 682-5536 ( <br />Brochures Notify Customers of New Wastewater and Stormwater User Fees <br />The City’s annual wastewater and stormwater rate notification brochures will be distributed via EWEB <br />utility bills beginning in June. The rate notification brochure informs customers of rates and provides an <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 <br />May 29, 2008 <br />