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<br /> <br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Workshop: Presentation of Report from Sustainable Business Initiative <br /> <br /> <br />Meeting Date: September 25, 2006 Agenda Item Number: B <br />Department: City Manager’s Office Staff Contact: Mary Walston <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 682-5406 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />Co-chairs Dave Funk and Rusty Rexius of Mayor Piercy’s Sustainable Business Initiative will present <br />the major recommendations from the task force. This meeting will be the first of several opportunities <br />to discuss the recommendations and implementation plan for the recommendations. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br /> <br />In April 2005, Mayor Piercy convened a meeting of over 60 persons from the community to discuss <br />what a sustainable Eugene would look like. Following this meeting, the Mayor proposed the creation of <br />the Sustainable Business Initiative (SBI). A 16-member task force was to be appointed to identify <br />strategies, incentives, financial assistance mechanisms, and educational opportunities which could <br />improve the local economy by generating income for local businesses and living wage jobs for <br />employees while also conserving the environment. <br /> <br />Shortly thereafter, with the adoption of the FY06 Budget, the City Council approved the expenditure of <br />$50,000 over an 18-month time frame to support the work of this initiative. Subsequent to the approval <br />of funding, a contract between the City of Eugene and the University of Oregon Resource Innovations <br />was developed to staff the task force, conduct research and develop recommendations, and prepare a <br />final report. <br /> <br />The SBI Task Force held its first meeting on June 28, 2005. The task force continued to meet monthly <br />through July 2006. In addition to the 16-member task force, an advisory committee of almost 50 <br />persons was created to provide feedback and comments on the recommendations of the task force. This <br />advisory group met twice during the year-long process. Two town hall-type meetings were also held to <br />provide a forum for comments and conversation on the work of the SBI Task Force. <br /> <br />In addition to the meetings noted above, the SBI Task Force sponsored a number of “roundtable” <br />discussion groups on 12 topics related to sustainability. The appendix of the SBI report provides details <br />on the roundtable meeting topics. <br /> <br />As noted in the SBI report, (page 8), “Mayor Piercy initiated the SBI to build upon the City <br />government’s sustainability goals and to capitalize on the local private and public sectors long history of <br />exemplary sustainability activities. The overarching goal of the SBI work was to make Eugene one of <br />the nation’s most sustainable mid-sized communities and to become a center of excellence for <br />community sustainability practices. In order to fulfill the goal of strengthening the economy by finding <br /> L:\CMO\2006 Council Agendas\M060925\S060925B.doc <br /> <br />