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<br /> 8~ <br /> - -~- -~ - - - --~~ - . ~...~ '-' --.-" .~ - -., --- -. ~,. - . <br /> - -~-- <br /> - -'-,-- - - -- --_. .. -',- - ---- - -.-- -, - - <br /> Council Chamber~, Eugene, Oregon ~. <br />I July 23, 1928. ~; <br /> Minutes of the adjourned: meeting of the Common Council held at the <br /> hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., July 23,1928, "there being present Mayor A. L. <br /> Williams on and all members of the Common Council. <br /> Meeting called to order at 7:30 o'clock P. M. by the Mayor. <br /> .. A representative of the International Hod Carriers, Building and <br /> , Common Laborers Un~ion of America, appeared before the Council, asking the <br /> City to establish a minimum wage scale of $5.00 per day, and asking that actual <br /> resident laborers only, be employed as far as possibe. Such petition was fully <br /> discus,sed, and the petitioner informed that the City now has an Ordinance <br /> covering practically the same matter ",as petitioned for, and such petitioners <br /> were given the assurance the Council would do the best. possible :for them. The <br /> matter was referred to the Judiciary Committee and the 6ity Attorney for report. <br /> Mr. F. D. Hobi apPE:ared on beha.lfof the Hobi Airways Com'pany, and <br /> presented a petition to the lIouncil aSkinE: that the City enter into an agreement <br /> with such company fora five year period, giving them the exclusive right to <br /> engage in transporting by airplane, passengers and freight for hire, an exclusive <br /> right to install a gasoline sta tion at the Eugene airport, and otherwise stating <br /> wha t ::uch company would be wi lling to do in case such franchise is awarded. <br /> Such ma tter was referred to the Judiciary Commi ttee, and the Park Board for <br /> report at the next meeting of the Council; <br /> As per the call, bids were opened as per the resolution for constructing <br /> a new outlet to the Polk Street Sewer as follows: <br /> Hargreaves & Lindsay $19,490.00 <br /> StiBlfl Bros. 18,~90.00 <br /> Snow and Hall 17,910.00 <br /> Guy F. Pyle 17,696.00 <br /> L. P. Harmon 16,169.00 <br />I Such bids were referred to the Sewer Committee for report, and such <br /> Committtee recommended the bid of L. P. Harmon at t16,169.00 be accepted, and, <br /> on motion, the report of ::uch committee w~s adopted and the Mayor and Recorder <br /> directed to enter into a contract with such bidder for the perf.ormance <br /> o'f such wd rk. <br /> Committee reports were called for: - - - <br /> The Judiciary, Healt~, Printing, and Police Committees had no reports <br /> to make. <br /> The Finance Committee recommended the following estimates be paid: <br /> The estimate of Stien Brosl for the re-surfacing <br /> of certain Streets within the City. ~23,000.00 <br /> The estimate of Hargreaves and Lindsay ~or the <br /> ,paving of the alleys between Oak and Pearili 2,561.35 <br /> Streets, and between 12th and 13th Avenues. <br /> . The estimate of Hargreaves and Lindsay for the <br /> pavi~ of 16th Avenue from Olive Street to <br /> Lincoln Street. 3,145.90 <br /> The estimate of Stien Bros. for the paving of <br /> Lincoln Street from 22nd Avenue to 23rd ktrenue. 3,815.91 " <br /> The estimate of Stien Bros. fa I' the pa ving of <br /> 22nd Avenue from Charnelton Street to Washington <br /> Street. 8,159.22 . <br /> The estimate of Stien Bros. for the widening of <br /> Eleventh Avenue from Willamette Street to Lincoln <br />I Street. 3,202.50 <br /> The estimate of Stien Bros. for the paving of <br /> FillmDre Street from 6th Avenue to the alley <br /> Sou th of 6th Avenue ~. " 1,453.95 <br /> On 1"011 call, the reco~nendation of such Committee was unanimously <br /> adop ted. ' , <br /> ~ <br />