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<br /> 128 <br /> -- --- --" <br /> -" ------ 0" 0_ __~ _ W~ __c __ -_.._~- -. __ 'n _._ _ _~ __, '_ _ _ ~___.~ _._ ._.._ L _ ~.. .'.___ - - -. -' - -- -- -- ,---- ~ . ...~ r. .0___ _ - ,-- -.- - -, <br /> - . Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon. I <br /> , November 13, 1928. <br /> " ~- <br /> ~4 Minutes of the regular meeting of the Common Council held on the 13th <br /> C'J <br /> r""\ day of November', 1928, meeti~ being on that date instead of Noveluber 12, 1928, <br /> I which was the regular date for the City Council, but being a holiday, no meeting <br /> I held until the following night. There we.t'e present at said meeti~ Mayor A. L. <br /> Williamson and all members of the Common Council except Rugh and Monroe who <br /> il were absent. <br /> II Meeti~gcalled to order at 7:30 o'clpck p~ M. <br /> II <br /> II The minutes of the meetings of October 8th and October 22nd, 19'28, <br /> appro ved. <br /> I, <br /> L. P. Harmon ap-peared inquiring about payment under h.ESl contract for the <br /> construction of the Outlet of the Polk St.t'eet Sewer, under which contract the <br /> City Council, Harmon, and others have been sued. The City Attorney explained the <br /> situation, stating before any money is di:sbu.Dsed, the Bond Company should be <br /> notified and its consent secured to such payment, and W. P. Fell, as Agent of the <br /> Surety Company, appeared and requested th(~ Cit}y Attorrey to write such matter as <br /> he desires, and he would forward it to the Bonding Company. Such action was <br /> approved. <br /> This being the time set to open hids for the sale of Se'L'ies A-H- Improve- <br /> ment Bonds, in the sum of $133,120.05, thEt. following bids were .received: <br /> Gecr-ge H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Inc.; Ferris & Hardgrove-; <br /> Freeman, Smith & Camp Co.: <br /> Par and accrued interest wi th .Lnterest at the rate of 5i% <br /> per annum with a premium of $100.10 for each $100.00 par <br /> valuE3 of bonds purchased, the_ City to furnish a certified <br /> transcript Qf the proceedings, and the purchaser to furnish <br /> his own legal opinion. - I <br /> Carl E. Nelson: <br /> Par .and accrued interest with interest at the rate of 5~- <br /> per ,anng.m without premium, the City to furnish a transcript <br /> of proceedings, and the purchaser to furni sh his own legal <br /> opinion. <br /> Said bids were .referred to the Finance Committee for report, and it <br /> reported favorably on the bid of G,eor~e H. Burr, Conrad & Broom, Ine.; Ferris & <br /> Hardgrove; Freeman, Smith & Camp Co., at par and accru.ed interest with interest <br /> at the rate of .5i% per annum with a premium of $100.10 for each $100.00 par value <br /> of bonds purchased, the City to furnish a certified transcript of the prooeedings, <br /> ani the pl'llchaser to furnish his own legal opihion. On motion, such report was <br /> I unanimously ado:pted, and the Mayor and Reoorder authorized to execute said bonds <br /> It on be half of thE~ C it y. <br /> ': <br /> ! . <br /> Commit.tee reports were called for:-- <br /> The Judiciary Committee reported there has been no meeting between the <br /> Committee and mE~mbers of the bicycle olubs looking to the licensing of bicycles <br /> in the City. Further time was granted for such p1.U'p os,e. <br /> The Jucliciar y C ommi t tee als 0 l' eported there has been no meet ing betweeJil <br /> such Committee and the junk dealers of the City looking to the licensing of junk <br /> ,I dealers. FurthE~r t ilne was uanted en this matter also. <br /> ;1' <br /> :i The Finance Committee reported favorably on the bills as presented, and <br /> II <br /> on motion, such report was adopted and the :Mayor and. Recorder directed to issue <br /> warrants for the same. .. <br /> The StJ:'eet Committee asked the City'er to report on the matter of <br /> the bleachers at; the Mill Race on Fran~li!.L Boulevard, and the Engineer stated the I <br /> only way he has found to remedy the si tuat,ioll now exisitng, is to move the Mill <br /> Race back from 1ts present location. After discussion the matter was referred <br /> back to the Street Committee and the City Engineer wit-h ftt.rections to the <br /> Engineer to 'bring in plans and spec,tfications for such work, toge therwi th an <br /> estiaate therefc)r. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> ~:! <br />