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<br />r212 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />--- ---~---- -~- - ~ ---~~- ~~- <br />~ --- -~-. ~- --~ - - ~ -- ---.> <br />1 ----~--.- '-<.'-"-~'~.-.'- ~.---._~-,_.- ------0 -~- -.~.-- ------<--- .-.---- ~- -....-. <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />II C ounc il C ba mb e rs, Eugene, Ore. <br />"0;. . . .... June 24th, 1929. I <br /> <br /> <br />~! Mlnutes of the adJourned meetlng of the Common Councll, held at <br />1~"-"11 _~he hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., on June 24th, 19G9. There were present Ma,y-or <br />II: .ti. E. Viilder, and all members of the Council except Hendershott, Reid and Simon. <br />i Mee t ing called. to 0 rder by the Mayor. <br />q> <br /> <br />;& li~. Creibill of the Heilig Theatre requested permission of the <br />r Council to hanga temporary cloth banner~across the Street, and the matter was <br />Ii referred to the Building Inspector, with power to act. <br />" <br />I <br />, M:rs. Horton, as President of the Fedaration oj:' Women's Organiza- <br />II tions, spoke objecting to the c.ontinued use of billboards in the advertising <br />I of cigarettes. The matter was referred to the Judiciarv Committee. <br />'I <l <br />I <br />il , lVII'S. Horton also called attention to the traffic danger at 19th <br />and Willame tte ~treets,s'Uggesting tba t Stop Street siGns should be placed at <br />the,East and North sides of the intersection. <br /> <br />l\ilr. E. W. Anderson, chairman of the Health & Sanitation Committee <br />of the Sunset Trail Pageant, agreed to install twelve comfort stalls, six feet <br />~ . ~ <br />high for convenience'at the Sunset Trail Pagenat, at a cost of ~85.00, wlthilthe <br />understanding that the Ci ty is to take them down and. save them for future <br />pageant s. Mot i on was ma de, sec onded, and carr ie d. to accep t the pI' opo si ti on. <br /> <br />~~ Councilmen Hendershott, Rei(l, and Simon appear'ed in Council at this <br />t ima . <br /> <br />Chairman Large reported that the FLnance-Committee was considering <br />the matter of liability insuranoe f'or City automobiles, but was not prepared to <br />malee a report. <br /> <br />The ~proposal of A. R. Gray to deed a strip of land. on Indiana I' <br />street to the Ci ty in return for a deed to the t.r'iangular parcel at the inter- <br />section or Indiana and Columbia Street, was ~esented, and the Council agreed <br />to accept the .proposal of' Mr. Gray if he would also deed to the City the strip <br />of land along Columbia Street. <br /> <br />This being the time for consideration of proposed construction of <br />, ornamental Street lighting ssstem on lOth Avenue L'rom Pearl Street to Charnelton <br />, Street, on Charnel:ton Street to Broadway, on Broadway East to Olive Street, and <br />on Olive Street to and including the 10t~ Avenue intersection, and due notice <br />having been given by publication for the cons_deration of the Ordinance and <br />hearing of objections, and no objections having oeen filed agalDst said proposed <br />!~ improvement, and the Mayor at this tilne having called for objections, if any, and. <br />! none being hea.rd, the Ordinance declaring the intention of the Council to install <br />said ornamental Street lighting system, having been read the first time on June <br />la, 1929, '-ivas ,read the sec ond time, and .Qassed its third reading by ti tIe by <br />unanimous consent under suspension cf the rule, and. was placed on its final <br />passage. The aye s and nays were called, all present vo ting aye, nay, none.. The <br />Ordinanc.e was (ieclared passed and nUlnbered 7459. . <br /> <br />I.n response to the advertisemen t ~~'or bids for said ornamental Street <br />lighting proje(}t, the bids having been received. at this time, were opened and <br />read and referred to Chairman Lamb of the Street Committee, W. C. Clubb, City <br />:d;ngineer, and G. A. McClain, Water & Light Superintendent, for r'urther examination <br /> <br />Councilman 11onroe called the a tten ti~on of the Council to the irreg- <br />ularity in t,he vvidth of' the paved Streets throughout the business district of the <br />City, and the matter' was referred to the Street Committee. <br /> <br />]\/1.!:'. Monroe also called attention to the numerous wood piles which <br />have been allowed to remain l.n the ~treei:;s more than the time allowed by <br />Ordinanc e. ThE: illS. t ter was referred to the Chief of Police. <br />I <br />.. C bairman Zumwal t of the Heal th C ommi t tee rep orted tha t~ his <br />Committee woul!i recommend a slight ch~nge in the Milk Ordinance, but the same was I <br />not in form fo.!:' consideration of the Council at this time. <br /> <br />M.!:'. Zumwalt's proposal to a(lvertise for bids for taking care of the - <br />Comfort Stati.on, after some discu83i.on, was referred back to the Health Committee <br />for fur the I' consi dera ti on. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />~, <br />