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<br /> 21~ <br /> -....- ,. <br /> -- .- <br /> I C ounc il Chambers, Euge ne, Oregon. <br /> July 8, 1929. f"'" <br /> ....... <br /> ~ <br /> Council met in regular monthly session, and was called to order by ".. , <br /> ...-..-+!" <br /> Mayor H. E. Wilder. There were present, all Councilmen except Lamb and (.,~'i<. <br /> Monroe. <br /> Minutes of the meetings of June lOth, and June 24 th, and of the <br /> Special ]lee ting of June 25th, 19G9, approved. <br /> Chairman VJashburne 0:[:" the Jud.iciar'y Committee, reported that he had <br /> interviewed the firm 01' Foster and Kleiser' regarding objectionable cigarette <br /> advertising upon billboards, and. that all of the objectionable matter had <br /> been removed from the billboaittds, and that he had recei ved assurance 01' <br /> cooperation of OOi s firm as ,to. futur'e advertising. <br /> Chairman Large Recommended the regular monthly bills as approved by the <br /> Finance Committee for payment. A motion was made that the same be allowed, <br /> and the ayes and nays were called, all Councilmen present voting aye, nay, <br /> none; absent and not voting, Lamb and Molli' oe . Such bills were declared duly <br /> allmved. . <br /> Chairman Zumwalt of the Health Committee reported that he had received <br /> coopera t ion l~rom the owner in the removal of a nuisance a~ the block between <br /> ora and 4th Avenues, East of Ferry street, the owner' ha ving ,c onnec ted wi th the <br /> sewer, and constYQcted a metal tank for a refuse container. <br /> Mr. Zumwalt also reported the resignation of 1~s. Hibbs as caretaker <br /> 01' the Rest Cottage, which was duly accepted by the Council. The ap pli ca ti on <br /> 01' Mrs. T. W. Chesebro, and H. Robertson and wife, were presented to the <br /> Council, and M.r. ZUffivmlt moved that the Council appoint H. Robertson and wife <br /> as caretakers. An amendmen t to the motion was a~de by Councilman Hendershott, <br /> that they be appointed with the understanding that no meals or' lunches be <br /> I se rved . The mo tion as amended IJms duly carrie d. ' " <br /> City Attorney Calkins reported that the deed to the O'Brien lots at the <br /> Aviation Field WOUld have to be accep~ed by the City, or the offer would be <br /> withdrawn, and a :ilotion was made andse C oriele d. that the deed to Lot.s 16 'and 16, <br /> in Bloc k 1:::, of' Broadmead, be accepted, and a warrant drawn in favor of C. P. <br /> , 0' Brien 1'01' the sum of $100.00 in p~yment therefor, and that the Recorder <br /> have sai d. dee d rec or ded. The ayes and nays were called, all pre sent voting <br /> aye; nay, none; absent and not voting , Lamb and Monroe. <br /> Report of Building inspector R. W. Rundlett, for the month of June, was <br /> road and. ordered filed. <br /> S ta tement of bills for the Eu.gene Public Librar'y 1'01' the month of June, <br /> was read and ol'dered riled. <br /> As per the call, bi ds we re opened. for the paving Of the allay be tween <br /> Bro ad.way and 10t,h Avenue from Charnelton Street to the alley East of Charnel ton <br /> i:i tre at, as follows: <br /> tiargreaves & Lindsay $55/:::.90 <br /> S t ien Bros., 854.50 <br /> Geo.; IN. ,Perkins 717.50 <br /> Said bids were referred to the Street Committee for report, and such <br /> Committee recommended the bid of Hargreaves & Lindsay at $55/:::.90 be accepted, <br /> an d OD lUO t i on such recocni;lenda tion was adopteCl, and the l'lIayor and Hecorder <br /> instructed to enter into a c~ntract with such successful bidder for such <br /> improvement work. <br /> As per the call, bid 8 were opened for the paving of Onyx Street from <br /> the Sou th line ai' 16 th Avenue to the :N or th line of 15th Avenue, as follows: <br /> I Hargreaves & Lindsay $581~.00 <br /> Stien Bros. 54'10.00 <br /> Guy F. Pyle 5464.00 <br /> Oscar Snow ~ 6.o~5.00 <br /> ~""". <br /> Said bids were referred to th eSt I' e e t C 0 ml11i t tee for report, and such <br /> Committee recommended the bid of Guy F. Pyle, at $5404.00 be accepted, and <br /> on motion such recommendation was adopted., and the M~yor and Recorder <br /> instrkcted to enter into a contract with such successtul bidder for such <br /> improve men t work. <br /> ..0111I1 <br />