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<br /> r224 <br /> . <br /> . <br /> - --_.~. - ~ - n <br /> . , _. - - ~- ..... . ..- ._~ ~. -..-- - -. --- -- _'_ . -_',_ _._ - 00__ . -- - .~ - ~ - ,- --, -- --. - .. - <'. - ~ - -+',.. <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, Ore~n. I <br /> August 12th, 1929. <br /> ~;I <br /> >t'j Minutes of the regular meetinlg, of' the Common Coullcil, held at the <br /> q~~i <br /> C\fl hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., on August 12th, 1929. Council was called to order <br /> : by Carl G. Washburne, President of the Council, in the absence of Mayor <br /> I H. E. Wilder, with all Councilmen present except Reid and Zumwalt. <br /> . <br /> Minutes of the meetings of July 8th and July 22n.d, 1929, appre ved. <br /> I' A complaint as to stagnant water condition at 16th and Willamette <br /> II <br /> :1 S tree ts was referred to the Healt h Commi 't tee and City Engin.e er, also an <br /> 11 alleged nuisance at 8th and Washington Streets. <br /> Ii Mr. F. E. Kreatz and Mr. FranK Sherman appeared before the Council - <br /> i: asking the assistance of the Council in securing bus service for the north <br /> part of the Cl ty, stating that they had presented to the Southern Pacific <br /> Motor Transport Co. a petitibn requesting this servi,c.e. ,The Recorder was <br /> instructed to request the Southern Pacific Motor Transport Go~ to have the ir <br /> representative appear at the next meeting of the C.ounc il to e;xpress the <br /> views of the Company on this matter. <br /> At this time Mayor Wilder appeared in attendance, and also Council- <br /> man Reid. <br /> The Finance Commi ttee by Ghai.rman Large recommend ed for paymen t <br /> the fo llowing bi lIs. The ayes and nays were called, all present voting aye, <br /> nay, none; absent and not vo, Zumwalt. Such bills were declared duly <br /> , allowed. <br /> !I <br /> '! The Finance Committee recommended the following estimates be paid: <br /> Estimate of Peter A. Nelson for construction of a <br /> sewer in the alley betwee n Uni vel' sLty and On.yx I <br /> ,Sts. from 24th AV'enue to the P.E. and E. Right of <br /> Way. $ 333.90 <br /> !I Estimate o~' F. E. Bristow for a wooden bridge on <br /> 'I <br /> II Washington Street over the Amazon Slough. <br /> $2179.80 <br /> ,! <br /> " Estia:a te of F. E. Bristow for a wooden bridge on <br /> Lincoln Street over the Amazon Slough. <br /> $2272.50 <br /> On motion, the recommendation of the Finance Corrwittee was unanimous- <br /> ly adopted. <br /> Chairman Monroe of' the Police Committee reported that the Police <br /> Officers had worked considerable over-time during the three days of the <br /> Pageant, and m,oved that the Council al10w them compensation for over-time work <br /> on a pro rata basis according to their salaries, and that the Recorder be <br /> I, authori zed to pay them on this basis upon the receipt of a statement from the <br /> , Chief 0 f Police showing the time put in. Motion was seconded, and the ayes <br /> 0: <br /> and nays were called, all present voting aye, nay, none; absent and not voting" <br /> Zumwa It . <br /> Milk Inspector Lawrence wbmi tted a report of hi.s work from <br /> February 1st, 1929, to August 1st, 1929, which was read, and placed on file. <br /> Rep,or ts of the Eugene Public Library and R. W. Rundle tt, Building <br /> Inspector, for the month of JUly, and of the Hobi Airways Co. for the month <br /> of June, were placed on file. <br /> A communication from the Building Inspector regarding persons without <br /> the City Limits connecting with the City Sewer was referred to the Sewer <br /> Committee for consideration and report at the next meeting of the Council. <br /> Req,uest of the Jani tor by communication from Mr., Rundlett for I <br /> enlarging the do orway ,t 0 the furnace room was presented, and the Counci 1 on <br /> motion instructed the Building Inspector to proceed to make this alteration. <br /> Cledm of C. E. Ruth for $25.00 damages to his a~Ltomobile on account <br /> of an accident caused by the decorative arches at 8th and Vlillamette Street 0 <br /> during the Sunset Trail Pageant, was presented, am on motion it was ordered <br /> " t hat the same be referred to Hugh E. Rosson, Manager of the Pageant. <br /> I: <br /> II <br /> \\' <br /> II <br /> I: <br /> ~I: <br />