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<br />r230 <br />- ~- <br />, - -- -.- .. - - - - ---. - -- - ~- - - ~_. -- ---- -~ -- _ __0 _ _ , - <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, OreglDn. 'I <br /> Augus~ 26th, 1929. <br />.-.,:... Minut:es' of the.adjourned meeting of the Common Cou.n~il, held at the <br />....-..'l4 <br />.. /i-' hour of 7:30 Q,'clock P. M., August 26th, 1929. There were present Mayor H. E. <br />.C"'~l Wilder, and all member s of the Council except Washburne. Mating called to <br />~ order by the Iirlayor. <br />M Mr. Hen(iershott, Chairman of the Fire, & Water Commi t tee, recommended <br />C'J <br /> that the warrant in payment of the fire truck be delivered, and on motion <br /> seconded and carried, it was so ordered. <br /> After' a letter from the American La France Company as to the value <br /> of the wrecked, fire truck had been read, Councilman Hendershott recommended <br /> that the City sell the old engine to L. ,Po Harmon for the ~lUm of $425.00, and <br /> a mo,t;ion was made, seconded, and carried to adopt the recommendation. <br /> Cha i rman Zumwalt of the Health Committee asked that the bill of <br /> Bray Bros. for the Rest Cottage be continued fQr further investiga~ion. <br /> :1 <br /> Ii , Mr. Reid, Chairman of the Sewer Commi~tee, and City Attorney S. M., <br /> :1 Calkins, explained the situation with reference to parties living without the <br /> !I City limits connecting to sewers along the bou1,ldaries of the City, and it was <br /> 'I explained that on account of sanitary conditio!ls it seemed desirable to allow <br /> II <br /> these people to connect with the sewers, and tp.a tit was gu,ggested that the <br /> I <br /> I City Engineer, Mr. Clubb, prepare an assessment plan looking to an arrangement <br /> wi th the se peo ple to pay fo I' the pri v ilege of Q onne c t ing to the City sewer s, <br /> and. a motion was made and sec04ded that the City enter into a contract wi th those <br /> desiring to connect with City sewers, providing that they should pay in cash <br /> for this privilege upon the basis to be establi,shed, and contracts to be <br /> i ent~red into ~it h those connecting with such sewers, provid,ing thatany person <br /> 'I connecting with sewers should not allow others,to connect 9n to,his sewer, and <br /> I, with the provision that the contract should be. limited to two years, and be <br /> 'I <br /> II vo i d at the expirat ion of tha t time unless the, peo ple resi ding outside the Ci ty <br /> Ii limtts sho~ vote to annex their property to the City within mid time. 1 <br /> ,I <br /> Ii On recommendation of Chairman Hendershot t of the !i'ire & Wa tel' Commi ttee, <br /> II <br /> :1 the_Purchasing Agent was instructed to buy a new tire and l~im for the fire truck. <br /> I <br /> I' A communication from L. L. Ray wi th r~ference ~o an assessment against <br /> ,1 <br /> I the Flannigan Lot on Lincoln Street was referred to City Attorney Calkins. <br /> il <br /> " A petitionfrom the Pamona Grange for 9ne hour parking limit around the <br /> I Public Market was referred to the Police Cemmittee. <br /> A petition from the University of Oregon for permission to cut the <br /> 'I <br /> I pavement on 14th and Onyx Street and at the alley entrance of Block 7, was on <br /> I motion ordered. granted, under the usual requir~ments. <br /> , <br /> I <br /> I A peti tlon from M. ,B. Gilmore and others requesting the c.r..eation of a <br /> II <br /> restricted residence zone in the neighborhood 9f Broadway between Figh and <br /> II Hilyard Streets, was read, and no action taken~ " <br /> A peti tlon of Swift & Co. to construc~ a wooden plank roadway between <br /> II thee tracks on East 5th Avenue adjacent to their new plant was on motion granted. <br /> II as ?- t,emporary' measure with the understanding it should be replaced with pavement <br /> /, <br /> I' within one yea.r. <br /> II <br /> I' <br /> II . A peti tion for the paving of Madison ~treet from 8th Avenue to Broadway, <br /> I' <br /> !i -and. a pe tit ion for the paving of, the alley bet~een 8th .Avenue and East Broadway <br /> !I from High Street to the alley East of High Street v/ere read, and on recommenda- <br /> Ii t ion of the Street Committee" mo~ion was made" seconded, and carried to grant <br /> )1 the same. . <br /> The Finance Committee rec0mmended the estimate of Stien Bros. for the <br /> paving of the alley between Willamette Street and Olive Stl'eet from 5th Avenue <br /> to 6th Avenue, in th~ sum of $1328.44, be paid, and on moti~)Il, such recommendation <br /> was unanimously adopted. <br /> As per the call, bids were opened for the paving of the alley between I <br /> Broadway and lOth Av~nue, from ~he alley between Willamette and 0 live Streets to . . . ~J <br /> the alley betw'een Olive and Cnarnelton Streets, as follows:, <br /> . $ 991.60 <br /> Hargreaves and Lindsay <br /> Said bid was referred to the Street Committee for report, and such <br /> COlIl1lli ttee recommended such bid be accepted, and the con tract awarded to Hargrea ve s <br /> & Lindsay in the sum or $991.60, and on motion such recommendation was adopted, <br /> and the Mayor and ~ecorder instructed to enter into a contract with such success- <br /> ful bidder. <br />~ , <br />