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<br />r23-4 <br />---.- ~ :- - n ~-- -- -- <br /> -. -~ --- ,-- ~._-- .-- -- . --~ - --., "~.~- --- - -' ~ .- .-. ..- -- . --- - - _ __ _ _ w_ --,. <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br /> I September 9th, 1929. <br />.,i"'!'O . <br />",1 I I <br />.--..;0:. <br />f~J Councilmen met at the regular monthly session, called to order by <br /> Mayor Wilder,. wi th all councilmen presenli except councilmen Simon and Reid. <br />~ <br />C'J A delegation of women, with Mrs. S. D. Allen as spokesman, presented a <br /> II remonstr~ce against the claim of shade trees and appealed to the Council for <br /> II the preservation of trees in the City, and the matter was referred to the Park <br /> Ii Board. -~_.- ---- ==.~,-",-._~....=L.-L_._,-__,-..o .=._c~.~ . ,. <br /> -,=::- ,- ~,".,..:;.....:;.;.=- '- -- --- ~------=->~-=~~~ ~:~~-~~-~~ " <br /> I <br /> I: September 3, 1929. <br /> 'I <br /> Ii Mr. R. S. Bryson, <br /> Ii ope. Ci ty Recorder, <br /> bid Euge ne , Oregon. <br /> I <br /> I! The <br /> " re p~ Dear Sir: <br /> Ii Bonl <br /> II ra tl For the $200,000 inteJ!.' im powe.!:' and light bonds of the City of <br /> Ii <br /> foL Eugene, said bon.ds to bear interest at the rate of 5-3/4% per annum, <br /> I: be ~ and to bear such date as the Mayor shall deisgnate, we bid as follows: <br /> II $lO( <br /> II ed, 5 years callable upon any interest date on and after two <br /> I, <br /> years, $99.36 for each $100 par value <br /> to ] 7 years callable upon any in tarest date on and after two <br /> to years, $99.43 for each $100 par valu.e <br /> 7 year s callable upon any int ere s t dat e on and aft er three // <br /> years, $99.57 for each $100 par value. <br /> Any of the above bids may be accepted wholly or in part provided 0 <br /> of ~ that the allocation of respective bids covers the entire issue. <br /> thee <br /> 'I In the event that the S ta te of Oregon is awarded t he bonds, we <br /> I I <br /> j; will take delivery of the bonds in such amount s and a t such time s not <br /> I the exceeding three months from date of. the bonds, as will best fit the <br /> 'I <br /> " somE financial requirements of the City of Eugene, and will pay accrued <br /> ;: Ci t~ interest to delivery dat e on each installment of bonds. We further <br /> ,I <br /> I' a.gree to accept the bonds in denominations in excess of $1,000 if pre- <br /> I <br /> " f'erred by the Ci ty of Eugene. <br /> " <br /> " rigl: <br /> 0 <br /> Stre It is understood that you will furnish t;he successful bid~er w~th <br /> the approving opinion of Teal, Winfree, McCulloch and Shuler eVJ.dencJ.t1g <br /> the regularity and legali ty of the issue. <br /> occa <br /> In accordance with your notice of sale and this bid, we enclose <br /> t~rewith, check for ~4,000 which check is to be returned immediately <br /> coun in case the State of Oregon is not awarded the bonds. <br /> and <br /> S t re Very truly yours, <br /> STATE BOND COI\ilMISSION / <br /> desi I. L. Patterson, Governor / <br /> City Sam Laughlin, Member State / <br /> dis t Industrial Accident Comi(1ission <br /> that <br /> . <br /> re-r <br /> " <br /> Chairman, Monroep of the police eommittee brought up the discussion of <br /> parking limits and reverse turns on through streets, and petitions were present- <br /> ed asking the matter of a one hour parking zone on 8th Avenue from Olive to <br /> Charne 1 ton street s, and also a petition asking for all time parking streets <br /> excep t such pa.!:'t as is reserved for horse vehicles and sheriff's cars. And <br /> also recommended tha t loading zone s be provided for merchan ts. The entire <br /> subject was a matter of general discussion and was finally referred to the <br /> il police comrni t tee. <br /> Report:s of the Milk and Meat inspector and building inspector was read I <br /> and placed on file. <br /> A request of the Ci ty engineer for new cars for hi s department was con- <br /> il <br /> ii si dered, and the recorder was instructed to advertise for a small delivery body <br /> il car for hi s de:[>artmen t. <br /> il <br /> :1 The Bank of Comme rce tendered a bond to indemnify the City, and asked <br /> '! <br /> " that a duplicate warrant for the warrant No. 32651 for the sum of $134.10, drawn <br /> 'i <br /> I May 31, 1929, to Henry Peroni, and owne d by the Bank be issued to them in place <br /> ~ ! <br /> i of this warrant which has .been lost. The motion was made, seconded and carried, <br /> 1\ granting this reQuest. <br /> Ii <br /> I' <br />~l! <br /> I <br />