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<br />32~ <br />.. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br />June 9, 1930. <br /> <br />Council met in regular monthly session and was called to order by the <br />Mayor, Mr. H. E. Wilder. The meet~ng was held at 8:00 orclock P. M. in the <br />Council Chambers with all coUncilmen present. <br /> <br />"~ <br />"0\) <br />;''M <br /> <br />1linutes of the regQlar meeting of 1lliy 12th, 1930, and of the adjourned <br />meeting of l\lliy 26th, 1930, were read and approved. <br /> <br />!vir. Torrey of the Electric Cleaners asked permission t,o hang a Neon sign <br />across Willamette Street at his new location, but, it appearing that a new sign <br />ordinance is being drafted, the opinion was expressed that he would have to <br />conform to its provisions, and the request was denied. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Attorney S. D. Allen submitted a Second Amended Plat of the I. O. O. F. <br />Cemetery, and the plat having had the approval of the Planning Commission a <br />motion was made, seconded, and carried that the City approve the plah, and the <br />Mayor, Recorder, and Engineer be in structed to sign the same. <br /> <br />11r. Robert Fischer, Jr., appeared before the Council" representing the <br />Federation of Labor which is putting on a celebration on J~ly 4th and 5th, and <br />asked the City to grant to them the right of all concessi9hs for these two days, <br />and on motion it was ordered granted: / <br />I <br />I\1r. Clubb, Ci ty Engineer, reported in connect,i on wi th the widening of <br /> te S tree t that the Wa tel' Board had e stima ted the c;ost of setti ng back <br />ornamental 'lights at $971.01 and made a comparison of the cost of setting back <br />the present system and the cost of installing a new system, showing a probable <br />difference of $1,637.'20 excess cost of the new system over the removal. <br /> <br />Dr. Kuykendall spoke on the subject and questioned the wisdom of widening <br />the street at present, and after full consideration the Council determined to <br />discontinue any proceedin~gs for the widening of Willamette Street at the present <br />time. <br /> <br />The request of the Oregon Electric Railroad for permiSSion to raise the <br />tracts to stree t grade between Almaden and Taylor Streets, planking the tract <br />'area with asphalt coated plank and recondition the tract where needed between <br />Taylor street and Blair Blvd. with black top in o.rder to take care of the situa- <br />tion this year, assuring the Council at the s&ne time that the company would <br />take care of thi s wor};;: a t once and in 1931 rai se the tract be tween Ta.ylor S tre e t <br />and Blair Blvd., planking the tract area in the same manner, was presented. <br />Motion was made, seconded, and carried that the council enter into a proper <br />contract for this work limiting the duration of this construction for three years <br /> <br />Chairman Large of the finance co~nittee called attention to the request <br />of the Lane County Health Association for financial assistilllce .in raising a total <br />fund in order to avail the community of the match money offered by the Common- <br />wealth Association, and ~liss Thompson appeared and explained the need of this <br />assistance. The council expressed their willingness to help but doubt as to the <br />availability of any fund for this purpose, and the matter was re-referred to the <br />finance co~nittee. <br /> <br />S. M. Calkins, Secretary of the City Planning Commission, reported to the <br />council that the Planning Commission had approved the vacation of a portion of <br />< Thlrd Avenue East and the vacation of Commercial Avenue, and that the Commission <br />had tab Ie d indefini te ly the applicat ion to furni sh an alley in Block 35 Fairmount <br />and that the application to sell to the City a piece of land extending Tyler <br />Street had been di sappro ved. ' <br /> <br />Reports of the Milk Inspector and the Building Inspector for the month <br />of May were read and placed on file. <br /> <br />filed. <br /> <br />A report of Robi Airways Company for the month of April was read and <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />An application of H. L. Lee for a position on the Eugene Police Force <br />was read and filed. <br /> <br />A petition for the vacation of a part of East ~hird Street, East of Ferry <br />Stree,t, was read, and a resolu tion for that pur pose was adopted. Following is <br />the resolution: <br /> <br />I <br />IN THE 1~TTER OF THE PETITION TO <br />VACATE A PART OF THE DEDICATED STREET <br />OR ROAD ICNOVvN AS EAST THIRD STREET, <br />BEING WITHIN THE ORIGINAL PLAT OF <br />EUGENE, LAIiJE COUNTY, OREGON. <br /> <br />RESOIDTION <br /> <br />'v'JHEREAS, a pe ti t ion has been filed by F. L. Chambers and Lane C t <br />oun y, a <br /> <br />~ <br />