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<br />~",O"""'O" ~ <br />' y.'. ,. <br /> <br /> <br />- 11 <br /> <br />o <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />-- -.. - -. - -- .-- ----- - -," ~._- - <br />- -. - - - - - - - - ---- - - . - -. -- <br />_. _.~ --- . - -'.. __ - 1.- <br />.- . - -. - -,,-~---- - . -- -_. - - .-- - - -- --'-' - ~ ---- - --- -.._~ -- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Chambers Council, Eugene, Orego <br />. September 8, 1930. <br /> <br />I Minutes of the regular mont.hly session of the Common Council, held at <br />7:30 o'clock ~P. M., September 8,1930. Council was called to order by Hayor H. <br />E. Wilder with all Councilmen present except Monroe. r"~' <br /> <br />Minutes of the regular meeting of August 11th, 1930, and of the adjourned <br />meeting' of August 25th, 1930, were read and approved. <br /> <br />H. C. Farley appeared before the council and presented a claim of $138.50 <br />for a perso nal injury, and the ma tt er was referred to the finance commi ttee. <br /> <br />The finance committ,ee, by Chairman Large, recommended that t,he claim of <br />the Lane County Abstract Company for $12.50 for abstracting, paid by warrant No. <br />28425 June 30, 1927, but ne vel' recei ved by them, be allowed. Mo tion was seconded <br />.' and on an aye and nay vote carried, seven councilmen voti_ng aye, nay, none. <br /> <br />'Chainnan Large also recommended the payment of the bills incurred by play- <br />['round fund wi th the express understanding, however, that any excess of these bill <br />over the amount budgeted with interest at 6% from this date until the 1931 play- <br />ground funds are available shall be returned by the playground fund to the general <br />emergency fund. Motion was made and seconffied to adopt the recommendation, and <br />moti on was carried on an aye and nay vo te, seven c ouncilme n voting aye, nay, none. <br /> <br />The Street Co~nittee, by Chairman Lamb, moved that the engineer be instruct <br />. ed to have the bo ttom of the amazon di tch plowed, viTi th such ass i stance from the <br />I' street department as can be had, before the rainy season commences. Motion was <br />seconded and carried. <br /> <br />Chairman Hendershott of the Fire and Water Committee reported that the <br />Hobi Company was favorable to the installing of the Texico gasoline station at the <br />aviation field, but that negotiations are still pending. ~ <br /> <br />The claim of Percy Patterson for adjustment of liens on account of the <br />~I" amazon ditch and ~7th Street assessments was referred to the Judiciary Committee. <br /> <br />Reports of the Milk Inspector and Building Inspector for the month of <br />August were read and placed on fi Ie. : <br /> <br />Chairman Reid of the Sewer Committee reported an inspection by himself <br />and engineer Clubb of sewage treatment plant at Klw.:.ath Falls and inspection of <br />Medford and Klamath Falls airports. <br /> <br />The petition for the grading of Indiana Street between Columbia and Van <br />Ness Ave., and the petition for the placingO of the sidewalks outside of the parlc- <br />ing area adjacent to the streets on Indiana_Avenue, were read and on motion <br />gran ted.. <br /> <br />The Eugene Concret e I1ipe Company, ha ving furnished a bond to indemni ty <br />. the City against loss. A motion was made, seconded, and carried directing the <br />Re'corder to issue a duplicate of warrant No. 34400 in the sum of $1.50, payable <br />. to: the Eugene Concrete Pipe Company, which v:varrant had become lost. <br /> <br />e Two Sidewalk Improvement Ordinances were read the first time, and passed <br />thei r second and third readingsb.y ti t le by unanimous consent under suspens ion <br />of" the rule, and was pI aced on their final passage. The ayes and nays were called, <br />all Councilmen voting' aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. The Ordinances were declared <br />pa~sed and nUffibered from 7894 to 7895, both'nuffibers inclusive. <br /> <br />Nine'Sidewallc Assessment Ordinances were read the first titre. and laid over. <br />o <br /> <br />An Ordinance prohibiting the driving, Or operating of any automobil <br />truck, motorcycle, or any other motor vehicie, while in an intoxicated condition, <br />or"vvhile under the influence of intoxicating lig,uor was read the first time, and <br />passed its second and third readings by title by unanimous consen t under suspen- <br />. . <br />sion of the rule, and was placed on its final passage. The ayes and nays were <br />called, all Councilmen voting aye, nay, none, absent MOIU'oe. The Ordinance was <br />declared passed and numbered 7896.. <br /> <br />I An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7834, passed by the Common Counc il and <br />approved by t.he I\Iayor on the 23rd day of June, 1930, by iriaking provision that <br />when an owner or his agent, or occupant shall fail to remove a sign on said premis s <br />after due no tice, that the same may be removed by the Ci ty, and the co st s there of <br />be made a lien upon the property, was read the first time, and passed its second <br />and third readings by title by unanimous consent under suspension of the rule, and <br />was placed on its final passage. The ayes and. nays were called, all Councilm.en <br />voting aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. The Qrdinance was declared passed and num- <br />be re d 789 7 . - , <br /> <br />.. c c <br />~_ I, .....4 <br />