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<br />~16 :.' <br /> -- . - ------ . -- . ~ - ~ . - - ~ .- - ..~ - - - - ---- -_.-. .~ - - -- --. ----. - -- . . - ._~ -- ___r__ - -. --. .- -- - -~ ~- - -- -- <br />---- - _.. ._.-. _. , '-" --- _.~ .. - -. -" - - ---"--- -- - - , -_. .- - - - _-0 __ _. ~_._ _ - -- - ----- ~_. - ..-----.-- u - - - -. <br /> - --- <br /> A report; of" the Hobi Airways Company for July was read and filed. <br /> A oommunication from Chief Hall, reoommending that the resolution proposing I <br /> a Charter Amendment, allowing the hiring of employees from beyond the City Limits <br />:i...- be resoinded, was read, and a motion was made, seconded, ancl carried to instruot <br />, the City Reoorder to omit this matter from the general election ballot. <br />.... .",,7< <br />~ On moticln of Chairman Large of the finance ooromi ttee duly seoonded and <br />0":; carried, it was: ordered that the following warrants be cancelled of record in ao- <br /> cordance with the reoommendation of Percy Brown in his audit: <br /> James C. Koepke $37.95 Warrant No. 25677 <br /> Brake 1 &: Whi te 36.67 " " 32249 - <br /> McKinle~r Insurance Agenoy 15.75 II II 32572 <br /> Western Union Tel. Co. .40 II " 33693 <br /> A petition asking that James F. Strait be employed on the City Police Foroe <br /> was read, and motion made, seconded and carried to lay the same on the table. '. <br /> , A petitIon of R. S. Shelley reciting that interested parties are making pre- <br /> I paration to contest the title of property acquired from the City by sale and fo"re- <br /> il closure, and ask~ng that the City provide adequate legal assistance in defending <br /> I such sui ts, was: read, and a motion was made, secCl!.1ded, and carried that the City <br /> II Attorney be ins,tructed to defend such sui t, wi th the understanding that the other <br /> I costs should be paid by Mr. Shelley. <br /> II A request of Mrs. Velma Costella for a Tourist Room permi t at 70 East Broad- <br /> \ way, approved by Chief Hall, was on motion granted. <br /> The requ.est of the Local Lodge No. 685 of the International Hod Carriers' <br /> Building and Common Laborers' Union of America for interpretation of the City <br /> Ordinance rel~ting to employment of local resident labor was referred to the City <br /> Attorney f'or construction. <br /> I An Ordinance providing for the appropriation by the City of Eugene of a <br /> I certain tract of land adj'oining the present aviation field of the City of Eugene, <br /> for the enlargement thereof;. appointing three viewers to report valuations and I <br /> II persons intere sted; and direo ting the Oi ty At torne .1 to bring a suit for the con- <br /> i demnation of said traot; determining suoh appropriation to be a publio neoessity an <br /> II tha t suoh use is a pUblio use, and deolaring an emergency, was read the first time, <br /> I' and passed its seoond and third readin~s by title by unanimous Qonsent under sus- <br /> pension of the rule, and was placed on its final passage. The ayes and nays were <br /> oalled, all present voting aye, nay, none, absent Monroe. The Ordinance was de- <br /> clared passed and numbered 7900. <br /> The Viewers appointed by said Ordinanoe qualify as such viewers and having <br /> I heretofore examined the premises to be appropriated filed their report as follows: <br /> " Report of Viewers on Aviation Field: <br /> Come now L. E. Hodges, Geo. N. MoLean, and C. W. Mullin, the board of <br /> I viewers heretofore appointed by the Common Council of the City of Eugene to view <br /> II <br /> I the following d,escribed real estate, to-wi t: ,. <br /> , Beginning at a point on the oenter line of Helen street, (Eighteenth Avenue <br /> West) sa,id point being 921 feet West of the Southeast corner of Seotion <br /> 36, Township 17 South, Range 4 West, Willamette Meridian, running thence <br /> South 509.17 feet, thence West 403.10 feet, thence North 509.17 feet, <br /> I thenoe East 403.10 feet to the place of beginning, oontaining 4.71 aores, <br /> I <br /> II in Lane 'County, Oregoh. <br /> and make report to the Council of the value of the property and of the rights <br /> I <br /> and interests of the several persons having interests therein. <br /> I <br /> I We therefore respeotfully submit that we have viewed the property and taken <br /> I " <br /> I oounsel upon its value and have determined and do hereby report that the value of <br /> said property is the sum of $588.77 and that it is impossible to determine the " -I <br /> \ ", '" , ",' <br /> extent of the interests o~the various perso~s having interests in said property <br /> I <br /> for the reason that various creditors have filed liens and claims against the <br /> I . <br /> owners, to-wit, Henry Nurre and Mary Nurre, husband and wife, and the property has <br /> I been sold on execution, so that your viewers respectfully report that the only <br /> manner in whiah the aity aan determine the amounts and the valuations o~ the -f <br />~:! <br />