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<br />~24 . <br />.-. ---- - . - ,- .- -- -- - "t. .. . - - ---.. ~ _.'- - -----'. ---- - .--. --~ - - = .:..___~_..__. T "-'::'~=-~- ___ ,_.. O. --- - - <br /> - .~- - - -- -.....---- < - --- ~ -- - _. ._---- - - ._-- - <.'. _.- . - .._-. ..... -_.' --- - . --. -- <br /> . - --._--" -- -'--.' -- -',' ------ - <br /> . ' <br />l).?, TO THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL EUGENE, OREGq~. I <br />~ You are hereby noti~ied that I called a special meeting to be held November <br /> 3, 1930, at 7::30 o'clock P. M. ~or the purpose of hearing and considering charges <br /> filed by formc:tr patrolman, Elmer Willi acns, against Chie~ of Police, R., W. Hall, <br /> and you are n()ti~ied to be present at Council Chambers on said date. <br /> Da ted No vember 1st, 1930. <br /> H. E.Wilder, Mayor. <br /> '--- <br /> . <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br /> November 3, 1930. <br /> Council met pursuant to the above call of Mayor Wildt9r and was called to <br /> order by MayoJ:" Wilder wi th all councilmen presen t except Monroe. <br /> I The affidavi t ~iled by Elmer Williams against Chi ef o+, Police Hall was <br /> read and an examination o~ the ~acts in the case was held, and the sworn testimony <br /> of Elmer Williams, Julian Strait, Frank Cronin, Calvin Pryer, Elmer Geiger, Hugh <br /> Keeney, ClaudE' Romaine, Jerry Hoyt, and William Haviland was taken. After hearing <br /> all the te stil1:lOny, the matter 'was re~erred to the Police Commi ttee,. who retire and <br /> a~ter due conf~idera tion re turn into council wi th the reco,mmendation that they find <br /> the charges ~lled by Elmer Williams have not been sustained by the evidence and <br /> are not proveil, and that the City continue R. W. Hall as Chief of Police forQe and <br /> express their con~idence in his integrity. Motion was made, seconded, and carried I <br /> to adopt the recommendatio,n. Whereupon the Council adjourned. <br /> II . <br /> I <br /> R. S. Bryson, <br /> 1 <br /> City Recorder. <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> , <br /> i <br /> I <br /> I .. <br /> Ii <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I, <br /> ~ <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I <br /> I, <br /> II <br /> 11 <br /> I <br /> 1--. ' .4 <br />~I; <br />