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<br /> ~oo . <br /> .. .. ----_.~- .'-~ - -- - ~_ . .. r .,... L_. __. - -._- - - ~ -- .-- :: - - - --- --. --- . -- . _.~. y .-. ~ ~- ... ---- <br /> -- H - - ---- -- .- .. -- - ----, - ---- ---- - -- -~.... <br /> -- -- . --- -- -- -- -- ". ...... .---~. ... <br /> The Judiciary Committee, by Chairman Edwards, repo.l:'ted on the claim of <br /> F. E. Damain for damages by .reason of personal injury sustained by his minor son, <br /> George Damain,.while.playing on a loose cable attached to the pole on t op 0 l' <br /> ......L. Skinner's butte, and recommended that the Cit y se ttle thi s claim 1'0 r the sum of 1 <br /> :::5-~ $240.15 upon the 1'1 Ii ng by Mr. Damain of a writ t en release of all claims for dam- <br /> "..-,- age s. Mo ti on \lva s made and seco nded that the - rec Ollline ndati on be adopt ed. The ayes <br /> '--" and nays were c:alled, all Councilmen voting- aye, nay, no ne . <br /> The Police and Street Committees joined in a recommendation in response <br /> to the petitions for stop street signs on Sixth and Ele.venth Avenues West too t the <br /> Council provide that flSlow'" signs shall be installed at the intersections of these <br /> streets. The l~ecomrnendation was on motion adopted. <br /> The Eugene Boxing Commission turned in a check in favor of R. S. Bryson <br /> for $341.00 as the proceeds of the eharity wrestling bouts for the use of.1~s. <br /> Ady as Ma tron of the DeJ)artmellt for Pub lic Safe ty. Moti on was made, seconded, and <br /> carried that the City accept the check, and that 1~0. Bryson turn it over to Mrs. <br /> .Ady in trust for the purposes of charity contemplated in the gift from the Boxing <br /> Commission, and also that the Council extend to the promote]:' and boxing commission . <br /> a vote of thanks for their liberal donation. <br /> I Counci.lman Hendershott moved that as a protection GO Mrs. Ady and to the <br /> City that the Oouncil designate Mayor H. B. Wilder to act in an advisory capacity <br /> to Mrs. Ady in the handling of this and other funds to be ad.ministra ted by her for <br /> char i ty and oth er pur pose s of he r depart men t, and tha t the ftLnds entrusted to her <br /> should be kept separa te from other fund~, so tha t a proper accounting could be had <br /> a tall times. Motion was seconded and carried. <br /> I <br /> I Resolution of the Board of Appeals, allowi ng a c ha nge in the building code <br /> I for the cons tru.ction of a public. garage be tween 5th and 6th Avenues on Oak Street, <br /> was presented, and after due consideration motion was made, seconded, and carried <br /> that the recommendation be rejected. <br /> Building Inspector and Police reports for the month of October and Septem- <br /> I ber report of 1:;.11e Public Lihrary were read and placed on file. <br /> I <br /> 'I A recruest of the College Crest' Community< for the restoration and main- <br /> II , <br /> tenance of ~us line service, or the granting 01' a non-exclusive bus line 1'ranchise I" <br /> that would permi t the operation of an independent 'bus line to serve this communi ty <br /> and their urban traffic on the routes inside the City, was .read. and placed on file. <br /> Ii <br /> A reque st of F. L. Chambers for permissiGn to remove, the sidewalk clock <br /> from 827 VTillamette Street to 622 Willamette Street was alloviTed on motion seconded <br /> and carried. <br /> City Attorney Calkins explained the status of the city liens on the E. <br /> R.. T~chanz and tbe S. Minnie Mathew's properties,-as well as that of Oren Davis <br /> and L. M. Watson, holders of respective tax certificates on these properties, and <br /> advised that t.lle city's interests were not in jeopardy, and that no action need <br /> be take n. " c <br /> ~ ci ty had so Id the South 55 1'e e t of the Nortl:: <br /> Ci ty Hecorder s ta t ed that the <br /> 110 feet of Lots 3 and 4, Blocl\: 29, Gross Addition, on November 8th, 1930, under. <br /> foreclosul~e proceedings to Rose B. Shelly, and that the owner of the property, <br /> Anne Millett, 1s a non-resident, residing at Bay~d, Nebraska~ and that it ap pe are c . <br /> from the records in the County Clerk's Office that the treasurer had made a state- <br /> I ment in writing at the time she had acquired the property that there were no liens <br /> I it, and that to protect her interest and prevent the passing of this <br /> property to the holder of the certificate of sale, the Recorder had drawn an order <br /> I on the revolving fUnd repaying to Rose B. Shelly the amount due her with interest <br /> and h9-d taken an assignment of the certificate. Motion vvas, se c onded, and <br /> carr~ed that the "action of the Recorder be ratified and con1'irmed by the Council. <br /> I A propo sed "e,on trac t betvveen the Ci ty of Eugene and the Eugene Sand and <br /> GraVEll Co., fo_r the purchase of a tract of land containing 9.68 acres,' more or <br /> less" at the outlet. of the Polk Street trunk sevver, was read and held over for <br /> fur ther consideration. " <br /> The Rea. ord~r read a COI1Ul1UUica ti on from. the Chase Hat i anal Bank acce <br /> the Gity's Appointment as Fiscal for the handling of City of Eugene Hater. <br /> Bond ,account, l~nd stating that they had In:ade a wgi tten ~demand on the Irving <br /> Trust Company, Receivers for Kountze Brothers, fo l? any funds of t11i s account and 1 <br /> also stating that the receiver was not treating this as a t,J:'llSt fund, and that all <br /> credi tor s must file claims. <br /> 0 <br /> An adopting and approving the plat of Shelton's '.Chird: Addition <br /> to Eqgene, Lane County, Oregon, was read the first time, and passed its second <br /> and third readings by unani 10US consent under suspension of the ru+e and was <br /> place,d upon i t:3 final passage. The ayes and. nays ,were calle d, all present voting <br /> aye, nay, no ne . The Ordinance was declared passed and numbered 8278. <br /> , <br /> . .' <br /> .....1 . <br />