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<br />~12 <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br />January 25, 1932. <br /> <br />!--l. <br />~ <br />tv.., <br /> <br />...:....-.... <br /> <br />Minut;es of the adj ourned mee ting of the Common Council , held a t the <br />hour of 7:30 o'cloc~ P. M., January 25,1932. Council was called to order by <br />Mayor E. Large with all counqilmen present except Reid and Zumwalt. <br /> <br />Chainnan Lamb of the street Committee reported that three blocks of <br />-19th Avenue We st, near the City Limits, were in bad condi tion and required scari- <br />fing and some twenty-five or thirty yards of rock to put it in good shape for <br />travel, and recomrnended that this be done. On motion seconded and carried, it <br />was so ordere ct. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />~. .- <br />D;,." <br /> <br />II <br />Ii <br />II <br />'I <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. JJamb also recommended that the purchasing agent place an order with <br />the 01'egon 11achinery Company for a certain second-hand 140 lb. pressure boiler, <br />which the Ci tey had inspected and found to be sui ted to the Ci ty' s needs, to re- <br />place the pre~lent worn out boiler and which was offered to the City at a price <br />of $365.00, and to be accompanied by the State Boiler Inspector's Certificate. <br />On motion seconded and carried, it was so ordered. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />The l~eport of the ~Public Library for December, the annual report of the <br />Engineering Department for 1931, the annual report of Building Inspectol~, and the <br />annual report of Recorder and Treasurer were read and placed on file. <br /> <br />The j~eport of the claim of W. K. vialker for a reduc tion of an assessment <br />lien on fractional lot on the corner of 13th & Lawrence streets, being Lots 'One <br />and Two of Block Two in Hendrick's Amended Addition, which claim was based upon <br />a sworn statement of City Treasurer Wentworth as to the amount of lien against <br />this property, was referred to the Judiciary Committee and City Attorney. <br /> <br />A communication from O. Winter of the Ashland: B. P. O. E. LOdge No. 944, <br />regarding procruring an elk cow from the City, was referred to the Park Board. <br /> <br />A communication from the "State Industrial Accident Commission, regarding <br />the impo si ti on of a higher insuranc e ra te on city firemen if their duties are to <br />extend beyond the Ci ty Limi.ts, was read, and the Recorder was instruc ted to as~ <br />certain wha t l~a te would be required. <br /> <br />A communica tion of rom M. Svarv:erud, Secretary of the Eu.gene Real ty Board, <br />was read and J:,eferred to the City Planning Commission. <br /> <br />A communication from' E. O. Immel, Attorney, requesting the City to <br />cancel an old jUdgment of $119.75 and costs and disbursements of $.15.00 in the <br />case of the City of Eugene, vs., W. T. Campbell, incurred in the ;w500,OOO.00 <br />University Auditorium Bond Suit, was read and refel'red to the Judiciary Committee <br />and City Attorney. <br /> <br />At tr.his Hille Councilman Reid appeared in Council. <br /> <br />A blank form for proof of claim and proxy for th_e Ci ty in the bankru'pt <br />proceedings of Kountze Bros., with which firm the City had certain deposits of <br />bond interest, was referred to the Judiciary Committee and City Attorney. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />An OJ~dinance providing for the construction of a cement sidewalk on the <br />West side of Columbia Street between 23rd and 24th Avenues; and the South side <br />of 23rd Avenue between Agate and Columbia Streets, on properts ovmed by ~l. B. <br />Amspoker, was read the first time, and passed its second and third readings by <br />unanimous c:onsent under suspension of the rule and was placed upon its final <br />passage. The ayes and nays were called, all present voting aye, nay, none, absent, <br />'Zumwal t . The Ordinance was declared pas sed and numbered 8284. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />An O.rdinance regulating the maintenance of card rooms in the City of <br />Eugene, Oregon, was read the first time and referred to the JUdiciary and Police <br />Committees. <br /> <br />Chai,rman Reid of the Sewer Commi t te e and Ci ty Engineer Clubb presented <br />the claim of Dr. Moody that t.he City should take care of a sewer repair in the <br />alley between F~rry and Pattel"son Streets from 12th to 13th Avenues, and the <br />matter was referred to the Sewer Committee. <br /> <br />These officials also stated the situation in regard to the surface water <br />in the distrilJt of Kincaid Street from 11th to 13th Avenues, over loading the <br />present sewer, and expressed the view that this over flow should be taken care <br />of by a direct line to the mill race. Councilman Reid stated that the City did <br />not feel that it could put any money in this project, but that if the University <br />can taJ\:e care of the ma terial co s ts and the Ci ty unemployment crew be used for <br />the construction without cost to the City, that they would recommend the making <br />of thi s improvement, and I"Ir. Clubb- was instructed to proceed on that plan. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Mayor Large state d t,ha t 111.'. Clubb had been placed in charge of the Ci ty <br />unemployment vvork wi th instructions to cooperate with the Park Board and \Ilater <br /> <br />.. <br />" <br /> <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />~ <br />