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<br />. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />~ <br />119 <br /> <br />,I <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />_.__ __no _ <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br />February 23, 1932. <br /> <br />Minutes of t:he adjourned meeting of the Common Counoil, held at the <br />hour of 7:30 o'olook P. M., February 23, 1932. Counoil was oalled to order by <br />Mayor E. Large with all council~en present except Reid. <br /> <br />Attorney Donald Young, representing Alioe M. Morse holding a mortgage <br />interest on the property referred to, appeared before the Counoil and offered to <br />pay the City the full amount due for sewer assessment and penalties and interest <br />on foreolosure and for the lien for the opening of 9th Street, all with full <br />interest to date, amounting to the total sum of $97,..32. Whereupon the following <br />resolution was read: "Be it resolved by the Common Counoil of the City of l!lugene <br />that the following desoribed property, towit: Beginning at a-point 100 feet North <br />of the Southwest corner of Lot 3 in Huddleston's Addition to Eugene, said South- <br />west corner being the interseotion of the North line of 9th Ave. West and the <br />East li:q.e of Almaden Street, thence North 50 feet, thence East 160 feet, thence <br />, South 50 feet, thence West 160 feet to the place of beginning., be sold to Alioe <br />M. Morse for the sum of $97.32, the full amount of the oity's claim against said <br />property, and that the Mayor and Reoorder are hereby authorized to exeoute and <br />delive,r a deed to her of said property." Motion was made, seconded, and unanimous~ <br />ly oarried to adopt the resolution. <br /> <br />The Finance Committee, by Chairman Hendershott, reported to the Council <br />a recolnmendation that the oity purchase from Geo. H. Burr, Conrad & Broom $2000 <br />City of Eugene, Oregpn, 5~ Improvement Bonds, due ~~y 15, 1936, at a price of <br />99 3/4 and aocrued interest. On motion seconded and carried, the reoolnmendation <br />was adopted. <br /> <br />Mr. Hendershott also reported that t,he \same firm had offered oonditionally <br />to take from the City $5000 Sherman County 5% Ro~d Bonds, due 1939, at a prioe <br />100, and deliver and exohange $5000 City of Eugene 4i% Sewer Eonds, due 1945, at <br />93t, to yield 5.20, and reoommended that if this deal oan be made that the Treas~ <br />urer be instructed to ,make the exchange of these bonds. The reoommendation was, <br />on motion duly seoonded, carried. <br /> <br />Dr. Simon, Chairman of the Polioe Committee, reported the installation <br />of stop street signs at 6th and POlk Streets, 6th and Van Buren Sts., and 11th <br />and Monroe Sts. <br /> <br />Finanoial statement from the Eugene Public Library for the month of Jan- <br />uary was plaoed on file. <br /> <br />A letter from the State Industrial Accident Commission was read, advising <br />that City Firemen will be fully proteoted under their present rate on out of town <br />oalls. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />-..0. <br />~--:u <br />:.Q.~ <br /> <br />" <br />....;-. <br /> <br />A Ie tter from E. L. King, stating that the Southern Paoifio will investi- <br />gate the City's request: for warning bells a t Monroe and Jefferson ~treet orossings, <br />was read and plaoed on file. <br /> <br />A deed from Frank L. Chambers and wife to the City of Eugene of 41 aore s <br />river front property West of Riverside Park was tendered. Motion was made, seoond <br />ed, and carried that the City aooept this gift, and that the Reoorder oonvey to <br />the donors an expression of the appreoiation of the City for their generosity. <br /> <br />Applioations of Della Johnson for rooming house per[~t at 775 Willamette <br />Street, and Mrs. Mollie Huffman at 137 East Broadway, both approved by Chief Hall, <br />were on motion granted. ' <br /> <br />Invitation of Bryant Wilson, Pastor of the First Baptist Churoh, to the <br />Mayor,GoUlloil, and Reoorder to attend churoh, was on motion acoepted. The Counei <br />erpressed a preference for next Sunday night's servioe. <br /> <br />, <br />The mat ter of oonstructing a ooncrete walk in front of the Ci ty Hall for <br />oonvenienoe o:f the public was presented by the Recorder with the statement that <br />Mr. McClain had assured the payment of half the cost ~rom the Water Board, and a <br />motion was made, seoonded, and oarried that the improvement be made under the <br />direotion of the City Engineer. <br /> <br />A petition to improve alley between Sixth Avenue and Seventh Avenue from <br />Blair Boulevard a distanoe of approximately 250 feet West was read and referred <br />to the Street Committee. <br /> <br />At this time Counoilman Reid appeared in Council. <br /> <br />~ petition from citizens asking that J. W. Copeland Yards be permitted <br />to complete their building according to plans under which the permit was issued, <br />together with a telegram to Mayor Large, were read, and a general discussion of <br />the merits of the si tuation ensued. Remarks were made by Counoilman Jone s, J. <br />W.Gopeland, Joe Jacobs, E. K. Chapman, and others. Counoilman Jones moved that <br /> <br />~ <br />