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<br /> '. 16~ <br /> h_ - . - - - ~- - - - - - -- - . . - - - ~ _..~- - - -~-~ - - - _._4 <br /> _. - __n - .____ - __e_. <br /> "'- .~ ~ r _,_ .-..- - h -- n -- - -- -- - - ._- - - - <br /> - -- ~. .--.... <br /> Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon, <br /> De c e mb e l' 2'7, 1932. <br /> I Minutes of the adjenrned meeting of the Common Council, held at the I-.l. <br /> hour of 7:30 o'clock P. M., December 27, 1932. Council was called to order by en <br /> Mayor Elisha Large with all Councilmen ~present except Reid. .ii;;':;"" <br /> ~ <br /> . <br /> A petition asking the Council to provide for angle parJdng on 19th <br /> Avenue between Olive and Willam~tte Streets to protect property from run-away <br /> cars on the steep incline was presented and supported by J\1r. Horton and Mr. Stein- <br /> metz, and the matter was .r'eferl~ed to the Police and Street Committees. <br /> The Venden Brothers, now located at the Dalles, sought permission to <br /> bring to .E;ugene a portable tabernacle and erect the same for a period of one <br /> year for the purpose of conducting evaneelistic services by the Seventh Day Ad- <br /> ventists. The matter was referred to the Judiciary Cownittee and City Attorney. <br /> . Chairman 2u mvv a 1 t of the Health Committee reported that he had given one <br /> oft he bear to Dr. Howard and 111'. Harlick, and that it would be Jeep t at the Benton <br /> Lane Auto Park. He also reported that he had advertised for bids and sold to <br /> Long and Sons two elk for ~~O.OO, and that he had accepted in payment 715 pound s <br /> of beef, which had been procured and delivered to cold storage, and that a consid- <br /> erable portion had been given out by Mrs. Richardson to deserving poor. This <br /> action received the approval of the Council. <br /> At this time Coulwilman Reid appeared in Council. <br /> Dr. S1 lon moved that 1~. Zumwalt be authorized to dispose of tW0 addition <br /> al elk, but that any disposition of the deer be deferred until later. Motion was <br /> seconded and carried. <br /> Application of Abraham Bangs for a Lodging House at 88 West 8th Ave., <br /> approved by Chief Bergman, was on motion granted. <br /> Reports of Hob i Air Service for the I,tonths of August and September were <br /> read and placed on file. <br /> I Application of R. W. Rundlett for appointment as Building Inspector <br /> under the City Engineer was referred to Engineer Clubb. <br /> A letter from Tromp & 1'1cKinley solici ting a portion of the treasurer's <br /> bond was read and filed. <br /> A report of the Relief Comnittee for 1932, showing a balance of ~'7l6.58, <br /> which has been divided four ways, allocating to the City $179.14, was read, and <br /> t.he di spesi tion of this fund for unernplo~/ment was left in the hands of Engineer <br /> Clubb. <br /> The Financ e C ommi t tee by Chill rrnan Henders ho tt l'epor ted t he purchase 0 f <br /> $2,000.00 Eugene 5% Rehlnding Bonds, due December 1, 1936, at $970.00 and accrued <br /> in tere st. A motion was made to confirm the purchase and the same was seconded, <br /> and the ayes and lli~YS were called, all councilmen vo ti 11g aye, nay, none. <br /> . A c~nmunication addressed to Mayor Wilder from President Briggs of the <br /> League of Oregon Cities, urging the support of a IiIunicipal Lobby at the coming <br /> sessi on of the Legislature, was read and filed. <br /> Reports of the Chief of Police, City Attorney, and Councilman ZL~v~lt, <br /> Chairman of the Health Committee, designating a certain building at 2440 Univer- <br /> si ty Street as a dangerous building and unsani tary and a nuisance, were read and <br /> f il ed, and the following resolution was on motion, duly seconded, adopted: <br /> " <br /> 10 RESOLUTION <br /> Whereas, there has been :presen te cl to t he Common Council of the Ci ty of <br /> Eugene reports from the Chief of Police, the City Attorney and the Chairman of <br /> the Heal th Commi t tee, each and all denouncing the building on that certain. <br /> I pl'emises designated as 2440 UniversitJ- Street in Gross Additim to Eugene, as <br /> a dangerous building as defined in Ordinance nO. 8292, and recommendil~ to the <br /> COrnmon Cou11cil that the same be dismantled, andtha t complaints have been made <br /> I <br /> by a large number of residents Ii ving al"cund and near said bui 1 ding ~ <br /> rrhe re fore <br /> . BE IT RESOLVED :BY rrr:E COJ..IMO:'J COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF EUGENE: <br /> "- <br /> , I <br /> "- ~ <br /> '- <br /> \ I ~ <br />