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<br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />~85 <br /> <br />~--- -_._~-- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Eugene, O.l:'egon, <br />Ap.I:'il 3, 1933. <br /> <br />....... <br />Q) <br />'~1 <br />:=..-~. <br /> <br />NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING <br /> <br />TO THE 1~fBERS OF THE CO~WON COm~CIL OF THE CITY OF EUGENE: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />I he.l:'eby call a special meetinp of the Common Council to meet at the Council <br />Chambers in the City Hall on Monday, April 3.1:'d, at 7:30 o'clock P.M., for the <br />pU.l:'pose of conside.l:'ing and for 31ch action as may be deemed advisable .l:'elating <br />to the taxing, licensing and .l:'egulatir~ the places and conditions of the sale of <br />spi.l:'itl.lous, malt, fermented and vinous liq,uo.l:'s, and for the passage of such <br />O.l:'dinance as may, to ithe Counc il, se em p.l:'ope.l:'. <br /> <br />You are hereby notified to be present at said meeting. <br /> <br />Dat ed at Eue;e ne, Oret'; on ,. April 3, 1933. <br /> <br />Elisha Large, <br />Mayo.l:'. <br /> <br />***** <br /> <br />Council Charubers, Eugene, Oregon. <br />A'p r i 1 3, 1933. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council met at, 7:30 o'clock P.M. on this day pursuant to the above call of <br />the Mayo.!:', and all Councilmen were present except Mr. Scobert. <br /> <br />rfhe Mayo.!:' stated the pU.I:'pose of the meeting and an O.l:'dinance taxing, licens- <br />ing and ,regulat ing the places of sale and the sale of Spiri tuous, malt, fe.l:'mented <br />and vinous liq,uo.!:'s in the Ci ty of Eugene, fixing a penalty and decla.!:'ing an <br />emergency, was .l:'ead its first .!:'eading, and an audience being present, the Mayo.l:' <br />called for exp.!:'essions on the subject at hand and remarks were made by E. O. Immel, <br />.!:'epresentine the merchants in the University rest.l:'icted area, and their petition <br />was offe.l:'ed and remarks we.l:'e made by Walter Hummel, Carl Onthank, and Virgil Ea.l:'l. <br />Furthe.!:' discussion of the proposed ordinance was had, with remarks f.l:'om Rev. F.I:'ank <br />S. Beistel, Rev. Bryant Wilson, Captain Thompson, Walter 1Iye.l:'s, C. M. Landake.l:', <br />and also by John W. King and Joseph Jacobs. <br /> <br />A motion was made, seconded and carried that the O.l:'dinance be amended to <br />include a section p.I:'ohibi ting the granting of a license to a general dealer to <br />conduct his business in a lic ensed dance hall 0.1:' skating .l:'ink or in any room 0.1:' <br />bUilding on the premises. And also a motion made, seconded and ca.l:'ried that a <br />section-be added to the O.!:'dinance declaring it unlawful for a licensee to suffer <br />or ,Qermit any person under eighteen yea'rs of age to consume non-intoxicating <br />beverages in, on or about the licensee's prenuses, or to sell or give away any <br />such non-intoxicatinG beverages to pe.!:'sons under eighteen yea.l:'s of age. <br /> <br />I rfhe Ordinance as amended passed its second and third readings by ti tle, under <br />C' suspension of the rule by the unanimous consent of the Council, and was placed <br />upon its final passage. 'rhe ayes and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye, 7, <br />nay, none, absent Seabert. The Ordinilllce was declared passed and numbered 8327. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />rfhe purpose It'or the meetine; having,'b13en completed, the Council was decla.l:'ed <br />adjourned. <br /> <br />R. S. Bryson, <br /> <br />City Recorder. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />