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<br />.. <br /> <br />~ <br />1-89 <br /> <br />- -.- <br />.--_.. -- - - <br /> <br />Council Chambe~s, Eugene, O~egan. <br />A:p~il 24, 1933. <br /> <br /><~ <br />;~ <br /><:~ <br />-.-' ~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Cou@on Comlcil, held at the hou~ of <br />7:30 o'clock P.tI., April i:A" 1933. Council was called to o~de~ by M:ayo~ Elisha <br />La~8e, witj:l all Councilmen present exce.9t H~. Scobe~t. <br /> <br />H~. 1,1. A. Reed of the O~ef~;on I.Ioto~ Stages asked 'p~~mission to ~e-~oute ce~tain <br />bus lines as follows: <br /> <br />1. Extend Sp~inGfield ope~ation on F~aruclin <br />Blvd. to tu~n off on 11th St~eet instead <br />of 13th; thence on 11th to ~illaffiette; on <br />Willamette to 5th; on 5th to Blair; on Blai~ <br />to S. P. Te~minal. <br /> <br />.- <br /> <br />2. Discontinue ope~ation on 8th St. between <br />Willamette and Monroe and on Blair between <br />Honroe and 5th. <br /> <br />3. Discontinue operation on Sundays only on 13th <br />between Alder and Willamette. <br /> <br />i\lotion was made seconded and carried to grant the request. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Zumwalt ~eported dilapidated barns at 460 West Sixth Avenue, and <br />654 West Sixth Avenue, and these were referred to the City Attorney. <br /> <br />Mr. Zumwalt also p~esented the complaint of Geort:~e Davis residing on the <br />property at the rear of the Woodman Hall against the noises of freight trucks at <br />night in that vicinity. This matter was referred to the Chief of Police. <br /> <br />Chairman Simon of the Police Committee recommended that the City a,p'point Otto <br />Dyer and James Jackson as Patrolmen beginning 11ay 1, 1933, and that they should <br />receive a salary of ~~lOl.25 pe~ month; and that Clair Larson be t~ansfe~red to the <br />Traffic Division and his salary be placed at ~~123.75 per month, \vmch includes the <br />use of his private car at ~22.50; and that C. E. ~ascom, who has been working as <br />a Pat~olfilan, be paid at the rate of ~lOl.25 per month for services f~cm April 18th <br />to April 30th inclusive. Hotion was made and seconded that appointments and <br />~ecommel1dations of the 1'olice COrTllllittee be adopted, and the ayes and nays were <br />called, Cou.ncilmen voting aye, 'I, nay none, absent Scobe~t. <br /> <br />Bids for certain plumbing repairs and installations at the City Park, <br />caretaker's Cottage, and Community Building at Rive~view Pal~l: were submitted as <br />follows: Hall & Shumway, total bid, ~81.80, Chase Company, ~73.75, and Edw. J. <br />Yenne Plumbing Co., $68.40. The bids were referred to Councilman Edwa~ds, member <br />of the Park 30ard, with power to act. <br /> <br />In response to the suggestion of ITouncilman Lamb that the allowance to Mr. <br />Decker for suppli es should be con tinued, the I\Tayor, as Chairman of the local <br />Reconstruction Finance Committee, sug[;ested that it vvoulc1 not be necessary as the <br />Co@nittee would be able to supply him the required funds. <br /> <br />:. <br /> <br />The City Recorder reported that there had been filed a p~oposed Charte~ <br />Amendment being !fAn Act to amend the charter of the City of Eugene, O~egon, by <br />adding a new chapter thereto, creating a commission to be known as the Board of <br />Heal th, and defining its powers and duties". That the signatures on the peti tion <br />had been verified by W. B. Dillard, County Clerk, showing 1338 valid signatures. <br />Said petition was filed in the office of the Recorder on April 21, 1933. <br /> <br />The report of the E~gene I~blic Library for the month of April, 1933, was <br />file d. <br /> <br />City Engineer, \Vm. Clubb, recommended the refund of Plumbing License from <br />January 1st, 1933, to Montp;ome~y Ward 8: Company, 301 days @ $.274 - - - ,~82.47, <br />and the VVillamette Plumbing Supply COlupany, 19 days @~p.274 - - - ~~5.20. Motion <br />was made and seconded that the Recorder be instructed to d~aw warrants for payment <br />of these refunds from General Fund, '.rhe ayes and nays were called, Councilmen <br />voting aye, 7, nay, none, absent Scobert. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The request of the Eugene Home Appliance Company for the refund of ~l5.00 on <br />City Elect~ical License No. 18, alleging that they were the only Firm that had <br />paid this license fee, and that the law had not been enforced, was referred to <br />the JUdiciary Committee and City Attorney. <br /> <br />1.1rs. Cathe~ine li'lynn submitted an offer to accept ;;;510.00 in full release of <br />damages for injury to a certain ornamental tree in front of her premises at 612 <br />Pifteenth Avenue East, occasioned by car driven by Park Tender lIilr. Sullivan. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br />