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<br /> ~ <br /> 415 <br />-. <br /> - ." -- - -- .~-- -- - -- _.. ~---.- - - -. .._- ------ - -... -'- 0"- ___ --"---_. ~ ---. -- - - ------- ------ -- ~------- ------ ---~---_._-~--- <br /> ._----._-. - 'Y" _~.~,~~ - - - ,'-- .. .',. --. - <br />, -- -- -.. -... - - - - -- - - ---- - .- -<. - - -- --- -- - -- -- ~ . - -._- . -- .-.. ~ - - ~ - -~'- <br /> Councilman Simon pointed out that he understood that the Plbtter Mfg. Co. <br /> had been paying the Water Board fqr pressure in case of fire, and that they had <br />I already paid the Fire Department $25.00 for th~ir services at the fire. Council- ..,':::. <br /> man Bond stated that if he had known that they had paid the $25.00 he would not ~ <br /> I requested that they be billed. ' Mayor Large pointed out that the Chamber of 6i <br /> Commerce vvouldlliike to meet with the Council on that type of protection. Nothing '1'."-': <br /> is to be done on this matter until after the meeting with the Chamber of Commerce. i..'~ <br /> Reports for the month of October from the City Engineer, Police Department, <br /> Eugene Public Library, and the Fire Department, were read and ordered filed. <br /> The Resolutions which had been held over concerning the $93,340.45 Wa~er <br /> Bonds, and the 5% gross revenue to be turned over to the City by the Water Board, <br /> were presented, and Councilman Lamb immediately stated that the Council should not <br /> take the stand as to whether the peoP1e should or should not vote on this, but that <br /> it should come to the Council from the people by an initiative petition, and he <br /> moved that both Resolutions be referred to the people for them to initiate the <br /> same 'if they wished the same to be placed on the ballot at the next election. <br />. Councilman Zumwalt felt the Council should not act in such a hurry, and that this <br /> should be held up even if it was until next Fall. Councilman Harris stated that <br /> in his opinion the Water Board should be heard on this subject, and the Council <br /> shouilid deal with them. Councilman Simon recommended that action be ,taken immediate <br /> ly so it could be put on the ballot at the election on January 31, 1936. Mr. <br /> Wilhelm stated that he felt he was speaking in behalf of a large number of property <br /> owners, and they wanted action on this now, and that other groups had appeared <br /> before the Council and had received the things they had asked for, and it was time <br /> that the Taxpayers were heard. Councilman Bond asked the Oity Attorney whether or <br /> not the Resolution concerning the 5% would be legal. Mr. Calkins referred to <br /> Ohapters 58 and 275 of the 1931 Session Laws, and pointed out that Chapter 56 <br /> definitely states that the utilities publicly owned cannot give the city ,anything <br /> for the operation of the.City; and that Chapter 275 does not refer to the City of <br /> Eugene inasmuch as the Eugene Water Board is serving users outside the City limits. <br /> Mr. Wilhelm stated that he couldn't see why the Water Board could charge the City <br /> I and the City could not charge the Water Board for any services, and he thought the <br /> I City Council could and should act on this. Mr. Barrette addressed the Council <br /> asking that this be put on the next ballot, and does not 1Nant it initiated by the <br /> I people. Mr. Schaefer addressed the Council pointing out that they are not asking <br /> the Council to determine it themselves, but are askin~ them to refer it to the <br /> people for their decision; and he further pointed out that he was opposed to the <br /> special levy of $10,731.01 for street light and electrical energy, and could not <br /> understand why that had to continue. Ramey Rugh addressed the Council and stated <br /> that he felt the Council should put this on the ballot and not sidestep this issue. <br /> Mr. Reynolds, member of the recent Budget Committee, stated that he felt that the <br /> recommendation of the Budget Committee should be carried out. He further pointed <br /> out that he could not see why the State could enact legislation governing something <br /> that the people of Eugene own. Mr. Wilhelm again addressed the Council and asked <br /> Mr. Calkins if the Eugene Water Board could legally sell outside the city limits. <br /> Mr. Calkins stated that he could not answer that question as it was very technical <br /> and the only answer~that could be given was if someone instituted a case and it <br /> was settled by the Court. Councilman Lamb's previous motion was seconded and the <br /> ayes and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye, Lamb, Hendepshott, Reid, Zumwalt <br /> Bond and Harris. Nay, Simon and Carlson. Councilman Bond then moved that the ,// <br /> recommendation of the Budget Committee to the Council be adopted. After consider- <br /> able discussion Councilman Bond withdrew his motion. <br />.. .._" <br /> The Water Board letter of October 29th was again presented to the Council, <br /> and the request of the Water Board for a hearing concerning the question of rent, <br /> was on motion granted. <br /> A letter from Hawkins & Roberts asking for cancellation of interest on <br /> assessments on the West 40 feet of the South 80 feet of Lot 15, Block 7, Gross <br /> Addition, was read and referred to the City Attorney and City Engineer. <br /> The request of Harry Gordon for cancellation of interest on assessments on <br /> his property, was on motion not granted. <br /> The bill from the Eugene Water Board in the amount of ~pl04.41, for the <br /> Electrical Inspector for the month of September was presented, and motion maee and <br /> seconded to allow this bill and the Recorder be instructed to draw a warrant for <br /> I the same. The ayes and nays were called, Councilmen voting aye 8, nay none, <br /> absent none. <br /> A bill in the amount of $16.00, covering an injury received by Mr. Danly on <br /> the sidewalk at 8th and Willamette, was presented and referred t6 the City Attorney <br /> with power to act. <br /> The following applications to rebond delinquent assessments were presented <br /> and on motion duly seconded and carried, were accept!3d: <br /> No Name Amount <br /> i <br />. , $116.90 <br /> 367 w. H. & Ora Blowers ; <br /> 368 E. M. Johnson 264.24 <br /> I 369 Frances E. & Thos. S. \~'ilson \ 229.42 ~ <br /> I <br />-~ <br />