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<br />~6i2 <br />,,- <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br />-- --- - -- - -- ----- - ----- - -- ---- -- ---- -. - - ~-_.- <br />- ~~ - - ---~.."._--_. ----~~.- -- _..- <br /> <br /> <br />Counel1 Chambers, City Hall <br />;~ June 28. 19~7 I <br /> <br /> <br />~. ., <br /> <br />ft::1The minut.s oC.'the adjourned .mee:tlng. of the 'commonc.ouncil held at the <br />hour of 7~30 otclock P. M., June 28, 1~37, City Hall. The mee~lng was called to ' <br />1 order by Mayor Large'. All councl.lmen, w&re-'pres'en,t. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />The minutes ,of the previous meeting weI""e presented and as there were no <br />2, corrections, they were order..ed filed." . <br /> <br />Eugene V. Slattery, attorneyrepre:senting. John R. Chezem, asked if his <br />. cl.ient could obtain permission for, usee of. Lot 5" Block 6, Eugene Original Addition <br />rather than vacation of the streetq, pointing out: that if the time ever came for <br />vacation of the street, his client' would vacate. A short discussion fo'llowed. Upo <br />motion made and seconded for granting the request, .the votes were as follows,: Aye, <br />Hendershott and Hanns; nay, Lamb, Reid, Page, Farrington,-Eond and Carlson; absent, <br />I none. The request was thereby lost. Tbe petition submitt~d by Mrs. Nellie Flourno <br />3 protesting the vacation, was ordered filed. <br />, . <br />III Upon recommendation of the Judiciary Committee, the request of L. H. Dery '= <br />for cancellation of interest upon payment of principal on property described as U <br />I the north 94.5 feet of the following descript~on: Commencing at a point 06 feet <br />I north of the northwest corner of Block 6, Packard's Addi tic1n and running thenc'eeas <br />60 feet, thence north 1'17 feet to the south line of'the right of way, thence west <br />60, more or less, to a point due north of the beginning point and thence south to <br />the place of beginning all being in Eugene, ,. Lane County, Or'egon", was denied and <br />4 upon motion made and seconded, the recommendation was duly approved. <br />..... <br /> <br />The claim of Mrs. George E. Finnerty, Cottage Greve, Oregon, for injuries <br />I sustained as a rr~ult of a sidewalk fall on Hilyard Street -JLest .0:L the Sacred Heart <br />15 I Hospital in July, 1936, was referred to the Judiciary Committee for cons i-aeration. <br /> <br />I <br />I The $300.00 offer of O. F. Stafford to be paid at the rate of $10.00 per <br />I, month on Lots 6, 8, 9, 10 and 11, Foster's Addition t .was de~nied by the' Finance Com- <br />'II> mi ttee and a counter-offer of $318. rl'l, $18. ~1Pdown and $10. on per montn plus 0% <br />! interest on the unpaid balance, extended. Upon motion made, and seconded, this re- I <br />6 II commendation was unanimously approved. <br />( I <br />I, <br />Ii The $450.00 offer of Robert Fleming for the south 6Q feet of Lot 1, Block <br />;: 11, Huddleston's Amended Addi tion, was denied by the Financ;e Committee and upon <br />Ii motion made, seconded and duly carried, the recommendation of the Committee was ap- <br />rl It proved. <br />I II <br />, 11'1 The $275.00 offer of R. W. ,Jenney for the east 50 feet of the west 114.,5 <br />I feet of Lot 6, Block 3, Kelsay's First Addition, was denieCl by the Finance Committe <br />;8'~ and this action was unanimously approved by the council. <br />II <br />:i The City Engineer was requested to investigate the condition of the side- <br />II walk at 13th and High which was reported by Councilman Carlson as serious and <br />9 I subject to immediate remedy. <br />\ i <br />I Upon mot ion made and seconded, the council gran tEld the street Committee <br />LO power to act wi threspect to closure of streets for the onGomlng pageant ~vent-s.-~. <br /> <br />( i Councilman Farrington, chairman of the Health Con~ittee, stated that a ~ <br />I complete investigation had been made by himself as well as other city officials in <br />II regard to Mrs. Cora J. Woods'request and in their opinion they oelieved the city <br />Ll ~ could take no steps to remedy the condition. <br /> <br />ill Mr. Johnson, 267 West 12th, requested the Health Committee to investigate <br />L2 i for purposes of condemnation the two barns adjacent to his property. ' <br />i <br />j Mrs. Allen W. Jones, 1898 James Street, asked that a Committee be delegat d <br />to investigate the premises immediately to the rear of her residence, which she <br />, reported as being very unsanitary and a detriment to healthy living. The Health <br />}3!! Committee was asked to investigate. <br /> <br />:1 Mr. Victor P. Morris, member of the school board:, asked council's permis- <br />11 sian for a conference between the Finance Committees of both oodies for the dis- I <br />1411 cussion of the School Board's rental. Mayor Large granted this request. <br />'I <br />", [I <br />:1 Mr. Page moved and Reid seconded that the l7l acr'es of land now held by . <br />Ii the city of Eugene east of South Willamette to Mill Street between 20th and 22nd <br />]1 be dedicated by the common council for park purposes. Councilman Hendershott <br />II suggested that this question be placed for the consideration of all councilmen and <br />, 'I <br />II <br />!! <br />Ii <br />il <br />'I <br />l <br />~ . <br />I; <br />..... : I <br />