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<br />~6 <br /> ;. <br /> -=- <br />~-- - - ~ <br /> -- '--- - _._~ - -", ~-_.- - - - .-- --- ..- -- --- <br /> Council Chambers, City Hall <br /> July 12, 1937 : <br /> c: I <br /> 8 <br /> :C[; The minutes of the :r'e,gular; meeting of the common~ounci1 held at the hour. <br /> of 7:30 o'clock P. M. July 12,. 1937. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Large. <br />1 All councilmen were in attendance except Mr. Reid. <br /> The minutes of the meeting of June 28, were presentl3d and as there were no <br />2 ~additions or corrections, they were ordered filed. <br /> Donald Husband, attorney representing GeorgeM. Malos, asked that the counci <br /> waive its usual building requirements in the matter of the (~rection of a concession <br /> stand at the corner of 8th and vvillamette Streets. Upon motion made and seconded <br />3 this request was duly granted. <br />I <br /> The employment of a sanitary inspector for Eugene .and Lane County at a cost <br /> ii of $600.00 a year, with a s;imilar amount contriouted, by the county, was proposed by <br /> :1 Dr. E. L. Gardner, Health "'fficer. Dr. Gardner stated that the total cost would be <br /> Ii $2400.00 a year but that $1200.00 of this expense would oe provided for oy the feder- :. <br /> i; al government in the event that the ci ty .andcounty paid thoir share. It was pointe ~ .,... <br /> i: out that the county court had agreed to pay their sum and that now the matter rested <br /> Ii in the hands of the council. Dr. France of the ~tate Enginoerts Office was intro- <br /> : duced and he gave a brief explanation of the duties of a sa11itary inspector which <br /> , consists of inspection of swimming pools, drinking water, rost rooms, groceries,' <br /> . restaurants and sewage disposal. Dr. France pointed out that at the present time it <br /> Ii was impossible for either the state department or the county and city heal th depart nt ~ <br /> ~ to take care of this work as it should be and if an inspector were added he would <br /> work directly under and with the other two groups. Mr. F. O. Rees'e, local citizen" <br /> addressed the council, expressing the opi-nion that such an lnspector would be unnec- <br /> essary and would merely add to the burden of the taxpayers. Further, he stated that <br /> it was unfair for a group to come before the council and ask for appropriation of <br /> money for such services when no money nad been provided in the budget.. Councilman <br /> Reid, who Just.arrived, felt that the proposal was a very good one and would answe~ <br /> a long-felt need for inspection service which at the present time was not being <br /> properly handled. Councilman Hendershott suggested that thls be referred to the I <br /> Health Committee and Health. Board to report at the next meeting. A let"Cer fr'om <br />4 state Health Ufflcer Frederick ~tricker endorsing the progre.m was read. <br />I <br /> Mrs. Warren D. Smith, on behalf of expansion of recreational programs for <br /> the city of Eugene, asked. that the council now dedicate and set aside for park <br /> purposes the l7t acres of land located east of south willamette to Mill ~treet be- <br /> tween 20th and 22nd. Mayor Large at this time.pointed out that there was no method <br /> whereby this property could be so dedicated, but that the council had unanimously <br /> gone on record as agreeing to not accept offers or sell this tract of ground until <br /> the budget committee had an opportunity 1D levy funds for purchase of this. b. M. <br /> Calkins, city attorney, having been called upon by Mayor Large, stated that in the <br /> first instance if this land were dedicated and there were absolutely no monetary <br /> connection between it and the city that in the event of an accident, there would <br /> be no damages collected. On the other hand, if the city had a monetary interest in <br /> the property, which it does have in the form of liens, and someone were in~ured. <br /> then the city would be liable for aamages. lt was Mr. Calkins' opinion that there <br /> j: should be no improvement whatsoever made on the place until it was completely di- <br /> ~ vorced from its financial positiori with the city. He further pointed out that in <br /> ;1 the matter of handling property in which there are liens that the city acts merely <br /> Ii as a broker and that it would be a misappropriation of those lien funds if the city . <br /> !, were to mau.k' it tfpaidU~ and dedicate it as a park. 'line claim must De taken care of,. <br /> ': he pointed out, and it would be necessary for the city to secure an appraisal of <br /> Ii said property and whatever that appraisal pricet the city could sell for that amount <br /> ii and that would be a satisfaction. He stressed the point again that there should be <br /> il no improvement on the tract of land in the meantime. Mrs. C. A. Horton was given <br /> I assurance that it was the intention of the council to w ai t until budget session to <br /> I, determine whether or not the money could be had for purchase. J.t was moved and <br /> ii seconded that the J:llinance Commi ttee secure an appraisal of the property prior to the <br /> II meeting of the annual oudget coromi ttee in order that there could be a definite amoun <br /> ii asked for to take care of the indebtedness and this was unanimously approved. Mr. <br /> Ii F. G. Reese stated that the delinquent tax situation In Lane ~ounty was serious, <br /> II being $2,745,162.47 and that as a matter of economy and protection of small home <br /> Ii owmers that such proposed improvements as playgrounds and pa.rks Should be dlscontinu <br /> : until it was possi ble to secure funds from other sources. Mayor Large asked that th I <br /> II discussion oe closed at this point. Colonel J. H. Tierney, stated that in his <br /> \ opinion requests SUCh had come before the council this eveni::lg, should be prepared i <br /> !! great detail on manuscript form 1n advance of the meeting for all councilmen and cit <br /> i officials in order that they might acquaint themselves with the proposals and vote 0 <br />/5 I them intelligently. <br /> ,f Upon motion made and seconded" the Judiciary Uommlttl3e was given power to <br /> 1:\ act to settle in an amount not to exceed ;n>2uv..OO 1n "tne claim of Mrs. George E. <br /> 6 ij (Etta A. ) Finnerty for injuries sustained by her as a resul.~ of a sidewalk fall. <br /> I ;1 The ayes and nays were called, councilmen voting aye, Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Bond, <br /> \) Carlson, Page, Hanns and Farrington; nay, none; absent, none. . <br /> I, <br /> i: <br />~ <br />