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<br />~ <br />633 <br />. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />----- .--------- - ~ . -..- -- ._-- -~. - ---- ----- <br />'. - -'- - "--.---- -- ---. --- ._.__~.___~ _,____ __u. _.'...._..___._____u_, <br />--- - -- - - ---- _... ---_.----,- - _. - - - - ---- <br />.... ___ 'r _ _ .__ . .__ . _ __ __ ~._._ _ _ _ .. __ _ ___ __ _ _,., _ .___ _ _ __ . __ .._ <br /> <br /> <br />The Finance Committee, by Arthur Hendershott, recommended rejection of the <br />K. K. Robinson offer in the amount of $125.00. This recommendation was upon motion <br />I /12 made and seconded, unanimously approved. <br /> <br />The Finance Committee, by Arthur Hendershott, recommended rejection of the cr. <br />$1200.00 offer of Arvilla L. Judkins for the South 6 and ?/3 feet of Lot 3 and all ,~; <br />of Lot 4 and the North 6 and 2/3 feet of Lot 5, Block 4, Pairmount Addition to-:~ <br />Eugene, Lane County, Oregon and extended a counter-offer of $1575.00 with a payment ~' <br />of ~500.00 down and.$25.00 per month with 6% interest on all deferred payments. <br />13. This recommendation was unanimously approved by the council. <br />I <br />The offer of Clarence Poindexter in the amount of $400.00 for Lot 8, Block 5, <br />I Hollenbeck Addition was denied by the Finance Committee and a counter-offer of <br />$660.00 extended; Mr. Poindexter's offer of $500.00 for Lot 4, Block 8, Ho11enbec <br />Addition was also denied and a counter-offer of $850.00 extended. The action of <br />the Finance Commi ttee with respect to" these offers was unanimously approved by the <br />14 council. <br />/ <br />I The $387.50 off~r of A. R. Clow for Lot 2, Block 23, Huddleston's Addition <br />,_ and the like sum for Lot 3, Block 23, Huddleston's Addition were both denied by the <br />~If, Finance Committee and a counter-offer of $865.00 placed on each respective lot. The <br />I 15 recommendation of the Committee was duly approved. f <br /> <br />The $400.00 offer of Mrs. H. B. Yocum for property described as "Beginning <br />at the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 22, Fairmount, according to the Original <br />Plat thereof, now a part of the City of Eugene, running thence West along the north <br />line of said Lot 1, 70 feet; thence South,parallel to the West line of said Lot 1, <br />90 feet; thence east to the West line of Fairmount Boulevard, thence Northerly <br />along the West line of said Boulevard to the Northeast-corner of said Lot 1, to the <br />place of beginning, being all in Eugene, Lane County, Oregon" was denied by the <br />Finance Committee and a counter-offer of $1200.00 extended. This recommendation of <br />I 16 the Committee was unanimously approved. <br /> <br />Councilman Hanns, chairman of the Fire and ~'ater Committee, recommended in- <br />stallation of a street light at 25th and Nixon Streets. This was unanimously ap- <br />117 proved. <br /> <br />I Mr. Hanns also recommended the installation of two hydrants at the following <br />I locations: Spring Drive and 25th Street and the northeast end of the deer pen in <br />I Hendrick's Park; also a street light at Spring Drive and 25th Street. The Recom- <br />mendation of Mr. Hanns, chairman of the Fire and Water Committee, was unanimously <br />18 approved. <br />/ <br />- The Fire and Water Committee by Councilman Hanns reported that they are <br />securing information in order to present a teport on Charges for out-of-town fire <br />/ 19 calls and a presentation of the findings will be made at the next meeting. <br /> <br />At this time S. M. Calkins, City Attorney, stated that Mrs. John Marsh had <br />called upon him and asked him to speak to the council concerning their home pro- <br />perty which they had deeded to the city to prevent foreclosure and upon which they <br />wished an extension of period of' one year by their agreement to pay the year's in- <br />terest and, taxes. And at this time Councilman Hendershott stated that Mr. T. H. <br />Garrett wished the same extension of time upon payment of interest and the Finance <br />Committee wished to recommend that these two offers be accepted. The recommendatio <br />,20 of the Committee was approved. <br />,-~ <br />11 At this time City Attorney Calkins presented a communication from the Postal <br />~elegraph Company in whiCh tney requested tne present franchise be continued for a <br />period of twenty years at a franchise fee payable to the city $25.00 per annum. <br />Question was raised as to the Y\'estern Union franchise and tne Recorder reported tha <br />no record could be found. After some discussion, this was referred to the JudiciarJ <br />~l Committee to check the conditions surrounding both Companies. <br /> <br />Request of Ransom Miller for a permit to add 12 feet to the south end of his <br />store building at 15th and Ferry Streets, was presented. It was the consensus of <br />opinion that all me~bers of the council personally stop at Mr. Miller's place of <br />business, view the premises, and thus be able to make a definite recommendation re- <br />/22 lative,to his request, and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />Letter from Kirstine Snow, 668 ~est 7th Street, requesting the installation <br />I of a street light at the southwest corner of the intersection of Jackson and ~est <br />~ /23 Second Streets, was refe~red to the Fire and ~ater committe: for.consideration. ~ <br /> <br />, Mr. F. C. V'.esterfleld, Commander of the Commanders' CouncIl, presented a <br />I resolution in which they asked the council to continue with the original agreement <br />I to water shrubs and trees planted at Skinner Butte ~emoriBl Park. It was pointed <br />out that the Park Board was doing everything they could to take care of this. Chas. <br />Sullivan, Superintendent of Parks, reported that the local veterans were paying <br />about $20.00 to hire help to see that it was watered. The water is available, but <br />they lacked the man power to see that it was properly taken care of. This question <br />was ~eferred to the Park Board with the Recorder in~tructed to inform the Park Boar <br />.' I 24 of the city's agreement. --;: <br /> <br />- I <br />! ~ <br />