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<br />~ <br />117 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />- ..,.-- -- --. - -.- -.,.,.._--. - ~---- ..,-- -- -- "- <br /> <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />August 22., 1938 <br /> <br />I . ~ <br />, The minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Common Council neld at the hour :=~ <br />of '"{ :'30 0.' clock P. M., August 22, 1938. Mayor Large pres ided over the meeting. "'\"'J <br />Councilmen present were: Messrs. Lamo, Hendershott, Reid, Page, Hanns, Farrington, <br />1 and Bond; absent, Carlson. <br /> <br />The minutes of the previous meeting, August 8, 1938, were presented and or- <br />2 dered filed. <br /> <br />I Robert Prescott and other members of the Appraisal Oommittee of the Eugene <br />Realty Board addressed the council concerning joint appraisal of city property. The <br />Committee respectfully requested that one member of the Finance Committee or someon <br />designated by the Council with authority to act for the Council accompany the Realt <br />Board Committee in these appraisals so that when a price_ is fixed it would be ac- <br />ceptable to both parties concerned. The matter was left in the hands of the Finance <br />3 Committee to report at the next meeting. <br />/ <br /> <br />Communication from William G. East addressed to Fred E. Lamb, Chairman of <br />the Judiciary Committee, relative to the Ramey Rugh matter, was 'presented by the <br />City Recorder. It was the re'commendation of the Committee that a sum of $190.00 <br />be paid to Mr. Rugh in full settlement of the case at issue and that Mr. Rugh look <br />to Mrs. Edblom for the $20.00 rent due and that payment of these sums relieve both <br />the city and Mrs. Edblom from any further responsibility. Upon motion made and <br />seconded, the question was placed on roll and councilmen voted as follows: Aye, <br />4 Lamb, Hendershott, Reid, Page, Hanns, Farrington and Bond; nay, none; absent, Carlso . <br />, <br /> <br />The $650.00 cash offer of R. W. Leighton for the East 1/2 of Lots 11 and 12 <br />and the East 1/2 of the North 1/2 of Lot 10~ Block 23, Gross Addition, was denied <br />by the Finance Committee and no counter-offer extended. Upon motion made and seconded, <br />5 the recommendation of the Committee was unanimously approved. <br />, <br /> <br />The Finance Committee recommended that Mrs. Gail H. Liston be allowed to <br />redeem her home located at 1611 Lincoln Street and known as Lot 1, Block 11, Hendric 's <br />I Amended Addition at a price of $1234.79, down cash payment of $300.00, and $25.00 <br />p~r month including interest at the rate of six per cent. and further to allow her <br />to apply the $220.00 rent paid since last October on the contract which is to commen e <br />on the first rent date. Upo~ motion made and seconded, the recommendation of the <br />Committee was unanimously approved and the Treasurer's Office herewith instructed <br />I 6 to proceed with the execution of the necessary papers. <br /> <br />The '1500.00 cash offer made by Charles L. Paine, on behalf ,of a client, for <br />Lots 5 and 6, Block 20, College Hill Park Addition, was denied by the Finance Com- <br />mittee and a counter-offer of $2000.00 extended. Upon motion made, seconded, and <br />7 carried, the recommendation of the Committee was unanimouely approved. <br />I <br /> <br />The $600.00 cash offer of W. L. Davis for property described as follows: <br />to-wit: "Beginning at the ,intersectioh of the South line of Broadway with the East <br />line of Taylor Street and running thence South 168.63 feet, thence East 100 feet, <br />thence. North 168.63 feet, thence West 100 feet to the place of beginning," was held <br />by the Finance Committee for further consideration. Upon motion made and second~d, <br />/8 the action of the Committee was duly approved. <br /> <br />The $1620.00 offer of Eunice H. Hathaway for Lots 4, 5, 6, 8, Block 9 in <br />Hollenbeck's Addition, was denied by the Finance Committee and a counter-offer of <br />$2000.00 extended. Upon motion made and seconded, the recommendation of the Com- <br />,9 mittee was duly approved. <br /> <br />. The $125.00 offer of Frank Fletz for Lot 2, Block 5, Cheshire's First Ad- <br />'I dition, was rejected by the Finance Committee with no counter-offer extended.-Upon <br />I 10 motion made and seconde~, the recommendation of the Committee was duly approved. <br /> <br />The $100.00 cash offer of J. W. Silva for the North 8.48 feet of Lot 9 and <br />the South 8.33 feet of Lot 10, Block 24, Gross Addition, was denied by the Finance <br />Committee and a counter-offer of $160.00 extended. Upon motion made and ~econded, <br />III the recommendation of the Committee was duly approved by the council. <br /> <br />. The $500.00 cash ofrer of Robert Fleming for Lot 2, Block 2, Hollenbeck's <br />I' Addition, was approved by the Finance Committee and the Treasurer's Office was here- <br />with instructed to proceed with the execution of the necessary papers in confirmatio <br />of the sale as directed by the general resolution adopted by the Common Council on <br />J 12 June 13, 1938, authorizing such action and it was so ordered. <br /> <br />Second offer of Mrs. Harry Lyons in the amount of $150.00 for the West 75 <br />feet of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Melrose Addition, was denied by the Finance Committee <br />and a counter-offer of $191.11 with a down payment of $25.00 extended. Upon motion <br />;13 made and seconded, the recommendation of the Committee was duly confirmed. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />.... <br />