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<br /> 21~ <br /> ; <br /> - --- -- - <br /> ~_. ~~ --- -- --- - -..- - -~- -- -- -.- - - _.- --- - - -.... --- -.- - - --- .- "---.,..~ - - - --- <br /> ---------- - ---~--~-------- ~------ ----------.----- --"---- <br /> aouncil-Chambers~ Eugene, Oregon ;L>? <br /> I July 24, 1939 <br /> .-. <br /> ~. ,......:;, <br /> .-~ <br /> ,. t.,F <br /> The minutes of the adjourned meeting of the Common Council held at the <br /> hour of 7:30 Otclock P.M. July 24, 1939. M~yor'Elisha Large presided over the <br /> meeting. Councilmen present were: Messrs. Lamb,. Reid, Sond, Farrington, Hanns, Car sor <br /> Page, and Koppe., Absent: none. <br /> I The minutes ,of the previous meeting, July 10, were presented and ordered <br /> placed on file. <br /> Special order of proceedings was called for by Mayor Large and the first <br /> matter presented to the Council was the pr~posed annexation of Glenwood. Mr. <br /> Morton of the annexa ti on cOIIlilli ttee for om Glenwood addre ssed the counc i 1 pre'senting <br /> an itemized statement of ownerships within said area stating that the assessed <br /> valuation total was $101,130.00. M~. Morton also presented the ~titions favoring <br /> and opposing the annexation, stating that the petition favoring annexation had <br /> names of one hundred and eighteen legal voters from_that district while the petitio s <br /> opposing the annexation, although it had some one. hundred and thirty odd names to <br /> begin with, had only forty seven legal voters f!tOm the district. .At this time <br /> Mr'. Houck addressed the council pointing out that the population in the proposed <br /> ar'ea was in the neighbor;lOod of six hundred people. Statements 'II' ere made citing <br /> various needs for annexation, but it was decided that the chief. needs were adequate <br /> water supply and sewer regulations. There had been distrihuted to the Mayor and <br /> Council and other city officials, statements prepared by the Bureau of Municipal <br /> Research concerning concerning the proposed consolidation and, inasmuch as the counc 1 <br /> had not had an opportunity to study them, and upon motion made and seconded the <br /> discussion to call a special election was deferred and upon motion made and <br /> r/ seconded the discussion to call a special election was deferred to the first counci <br /> meeting in August, at which time definite action would be taken and it was so order d. <br /> The next special order of business concerned the Jungle question. The <br /> Recorder presented the communication from the City-County Health Doctor, Dr'. E. L. <br /> I Gardner, after WIlich Louis Koppe, Chairman of the Health Commi ttee reported the t <br /> a meeting had been held by the following people: County Judge Clinton Hurd" <br /> Dr. Gardner, Mayor Elisha Large" C. C. Page and Louis Koppe to s.tudy this problem <br /> and further reported that part of the property was"owned by Mr. McNutt and McNutt <br /> was willing to cooperate with the situation as was recommended. County JUd,e <br /> Clinton Hurd addressed the council ple'dging the complete support of the county <br /> in this matter. It was the recommendation of the above corr~ittee that the Jungle <br /> be done aJNay wi th and completely cleaned out. _U.pon motion made and seconded the <br /> recomrr:.endation of the committee was unanimously approved and the Chief of Police <br /> instructed to take necessary s.teps to completely clean up not only this Jungle, but, <br /> 2 other Jungles in and adjacent to the City of Eugene. <br /> The Recorder prBBent~d the report of the retail merchants division of the <br /> Eugene Chamber of Commerce in which they recommended the trial of penny parking <br /> meters. Statements and 'suggestions were made by var-ious councilmen a s to the numbe <br /> and location of meters to be tried and upon motion made and seconded it was ordered <br /> that, penny parking meters be given a trial in r~gulating the traffic problems. It <br /> was agreed that not less than two hundred meters be installed for a period of not <br /> less than six months and' it was so ordered. ,T.h!?n upon motion made and seconded the <br /> Police Committee was instructed to completelY,ew6rk out the proposal in detail and <br /> the City Recorder instructed to secure information froDm various parking meter <br /> companies concerning their meters, and this joint commi ttee to report back to the <br /> council at its meeting on August 14. At this time a resolut'ion was proposed to <br /> thank M~. Brenne, iIh behalf of the Eugene Chamber of Gommerce and Mr. Roy Morse <br /> in behalf of the merchants cOIIlillittee, for their assistance in the matter and' <br /> I 3- it was unanimously approved.C-du: Jr..-1!..--(...1--r:.,,;::t;:..rv\..JJ ~7 J,(.i~) <br /> The next special order of business was that concerning the traffic control <br /> problem near the Ellgene Fruit Growers Association. Councilman Bond reported that <br /> the request for limited parking on Eagt Eighth Street had been investigated and <br /> recommended that one hour p-arking .on both sides of the street east to the railroad <br /> track be incorporated in the proposed ~ rking ordinance. At this time the City <br /> Recorder presented the proposed ordinance which was discussed very fully section <br /> I .by section showing the new classification of zones in 15 minute parking areas, <br /> 30 minute parking areas and one and two hour parking areas. ~he ordinance had its <br /> first reading and passed to its second and third readings by title under suspension <br /> of the r'ules by unanimous consent of the council. The ayes and nays were called. <br /> 4 Councilmen voting aye: Lamb, Reid, Bond, Carlson, Farrington" Ranns,. Page and <br /> Koppe, nay: none, absent: none. The ordinance was '0.eclared p.assed and numbered 861 ." <br /> At, this time Councilman Carlson presented the question of the purchasing <br /> of traffic signs to comply with the new traffic ordinance. It was pointed out tra,t <br /> the continued use of money by the Street Department was not money that had been <br /> budgeted for that purpQse~ The Street Corp.mittee agreed to continue the purchase <br /> and installation of the street signs providing the council would allow them to <br /> offset these expenditures, if need be, from the emergency fund. Upon motion made <br /> ":\\;- <br /> .,,, ~ <br />