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<br />61~ <br /> <br />-- -"-----'- -- ---- <br />..----.--- -- ---- <br /> <br />. ~ - ~ -- ._- <br /> <br />~________ ~__ ~_~ - ____ .___ - .__ '_ ....__"__~ __ - __ _______n <br />---~-- <br /> <br />~ ~- -----:---- ~~----~-_.::-~.-..-_-:.-. -._-~-~'~'-~~-- -----=-...;;;::;..:;..-::.=------+-::..:--::.......;:- '-- <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />A ril 27 1942 <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />The minutes of the regular meeting held Monday evening, April 27, 1942 <br />at 7:30 P.M. All councilmen were present with the exception of BrONnson. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />County Judge Hurd was present and spoke in behalf of the City continuing <br />their appropriation of $500.00 in the Budget for the pay of the Juvenile Officer. <br />He explained that he had heard ruwors that this would be dropped from the City <br />Budget and stated that he thought it would be a mistake as the City should have,the <br />services of the Juvenile Officer, explaining that there was a good many City <br />cases that came up for attention. At this time, Councilman Brownson appeared at <br />the meeting~ Mayor Large stated that this matter had been referred to the Police <br />COlnmi ttee and asked Councilman Bond what he had to offer in regard to the Juvenile <br />Officer. Mr. Bond explained that there was one man short in the Police Department <br />at this time and they had considered hiring a new man and have him take care of <br />the Juvenile cases. Councilman Pennington stated that he thought it would be <br />false economy for the City to employ a full time Juvenile Officer at a salary <br />at from twelve to fourteen hundred dollars while they could get the services of <br />the CounuyJuvenile Officer for $500.00 a year. He stated that if the City needed <br />a Police Officer tha t WbS another thing. He stated he thouCht the Juvenile work <br />had always bee~ handled very well by the County man and he thought it should be <br />continued. The matter was not decided on at this time, and the Mayor said that <br />l~ it would be brought up at the next Budget Meeting. <br /> <br />Mayor Large e~lained that Judge Hurd was interested in trying to work out <br />a sui table road for the trclffic coming over the Ferry Street Br idge tha t wished to <br />go to the Eugene Cannery and asked Councilman Barette what the Street Committee <br />had to offer. Councilman Barette said that they had suggested that the traffic <br />come down High Street to 6th Street, turn East to the Alley then go South down the <br />Alley between Sixth and Eighth Street making the aI-ley a one-way street. :,He said <br />the alley was paved between 6th and 7th and there would only be a little work to do <br />on the gravelled portion be~ween 7th and 8th Streets. A motion was made by <br />Pennington and seconded by Hawn that the alley a half block East of High between <br />6th and 8th Streets be designated as a one-way street for traffic going South. <br />2 "" On vote, this motion was carrie d. . <br /> <br />~ <br />~~ <br />~ <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Koppe reporting for the JUdiCiary Committee regard,ing the <br />woodyard at 54~ Almaden Street which was being run by Mr. Petersen. Mr. Koppe <br />stated that the Zoning Ordinance went into effect in 1935 designating this territory <br />as a Single Family Residence District. That a map gotten out in 1934 did not show <br />a woodyard there in this district and it seemed that there was no woodyard there <br />in 1935 when the Zoning Ordinance was passed. That the only thing to do now was <br />to order the woodyard discontined. A, motion was made by Councilman Bond and <br />seconded by Councilman Koppe that the woodyard be ordered discontinued. Mr. T. P. <br />Arnoldy was present and stated a woodyard was on the property when he purchased it <br />and it was his understanding that it could be used for a woodyard. He stated that <br />the Oregon Electric was using Fifth Street and that made considerably more noise <br />than the buzz saw used by Mr. Petersen. Councilman Bond explained that this had <br />been zoned as a Single Family Residence District and that there had been different <br />attempts to move business into the district. One time a party wished to establish <br />a warehouse and another time a pole yard, and now a woodyard, and he did not <br />understclnd why the district should have to put up with this condition:!) Mr. Petersen <br />cla imed thq t 'the woodyard had been established the re for nine years. ,Co uncilman <br />Hawn stated that he thought the matter should be decided on a strictly legal basis <br />and aSked for the opinion of the City Attorney. Attorney Calkins explained that if <br />there had been a woodyard there when the zoning Ordinance went into effect, it <br />could be continued as a woodyard but that if it,was discontinued it could not be <br />re-established. Councilman KOPRe stated that it might be a good plan to refer the <br />matter to the Planning Commisssion and Councilman Pennington suggested that a <br />compromise might be reached by allowing storage only for moving wood in and out <br />and not any sawing. Mr. Hansen was present and stated he had built a new hoooe <br />there two years ago with the understanding that it was zoned for a Single Family <br />Residence District. Also a Mr. Edgar Thom was present and said that hehad always <br />understood it to be a restricted district for residences only. Mr. Petersen said <br />that he only expected to s tore a few cord of wo od there for accomodation of people <br />who might wish to come there. Councilman Bond asked him if he had not stated <br />previously that he expected to put in two hundred cord of wood and he, admitted he <br />had but since the cont:r.oversy, he had chanEjed his .mind. A motion was laready <br />befbre the house and the question was cs lled for. All Councilmen present voting <br />Aye, except Counc ilman Farr ington a 11n Brownson who voted No. The motion was declare <br />3 carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Councilman Farrington reporting for the Finance Committee stated that a <br />Mr. W. Dion had requested a refund of $50.00 which he had made as partial payment <br />on Lot 2 Block 10 Hollenbeck's Addition. Mr. Dian stated in his letter that <br />" , <br />he had run into so many difficulties he would have to abandon building until after <br />the war. Mr. Farrington stated it was the recommendation of the committee that the <br />refund be not all~wed and he was making that as a motion. 'rhe motion was seconded <br />4~by Councilman Bond and carried. <br /> <br />Councilman Farrington also reported that there was an offer from V. E. <br /> <br />Johnson living at 1975 Charnelton Street of $500.00 for Lot 14, in Block 1, College <br /> <br />Hill Park offering to pay $250.00 cash and the balance on or before Jsmuary 1" 1943. <br /> <br />~ <br />