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<br />.~ <br />635 <br /> <br />-------,----~ - <br />- --- + <br /> <br />- - . -- . -- - --- - - - - - .. - - - ... - -- <br />---~----- ---- - -------------- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council Chambers, Eugene, Oregon <br />June 11, 1942 <br /> <br />~ <br />~ <br />;;J <br /> <br />A special meeting of the COlillnon Council was held at 7:30 o'clock on <br />June 11, 1942. The meeting '\.'\'28 called to order b,y Iv~ay or l"a rge. Counc il members <br />present were: Bond, Farrington, Koppe, Barette, and Hawn; absent: Stewart, <br />Brownson, and Pennington. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Mayor Large explained that a proposal had been received from the ,Oregon <br />State Highway Commission to widen High Street between the South side of Fifth <br />Avenue East, and the South side of Sixth Avenue East, to a width of 54 feet. <br />Also to widen the North side of Sixth Avenue East from the Viest line of High <br />Street to the East line of Pearl Street, this widening to extend North to the <br />sidewalk line. The propos[jl VJaS that the ~;tate Hi.ghv;ay Commission would stand <br />all the expense. After some discussion by the Council, the follov.1int, resolution <br />as the the widenint; of High Street was read and on vote adopted by the Council, <br />all members present votinf; aye. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />RES 0 I UTI 0 N <br /> <br />VlI:IEHEAS, the State Highway Commission has made a proposal to the City <br />of Eugene that the p~vin~ on High Street between the South side of 5th Avenue <br />East and the So~th side of 6th Avenue East should be widened from sidewalk to <br />sidewalk or 8 distance of 54 feet in width and, <br /> <br />T'[lIEHEAS, the State Highway COlllIuission has made a proposal to the City <br />of Eugene that in case such widening is permitted that the Higlnvay Commission <br />will do all of the work of changing the street over in the manner indicated <br />and establish it at grade at their own cost and expense, <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />'rflliREFORE EE IT RESOL\TED, by the Common Council of the City of Eugene <br />that consent and permission is hereby given to the Sta te Highv','ay Comm:" ssion to <br />widen the paving on High Street between the South side of 5th Avenue East and the <br />South side of 6th Avenue East to 2 v,:idth of 54 feet or :from sidevJalk to sidewalk <br />at the cost and expense of the St2te HighvJ8Y COIrunission and there is granted <br />to the State Highway Commission the right to enter upon said street and to <br />obstruct or close the same to any extent necessary to the transposition from <br />its present paved width to'a width of 54 feet. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Also the follovving resolution as to the widening of Sixth Street 'iivas <br />read and on vote adorted by the Council, all members present voting aye. <br /> <br />RES 0 I UTI 0 N <br />------- <br /> <br />V:EEREAS, the State Highway Commission has made a proposal to the City <br />of Eugene that the pc.,vinG on the North side of 6th Avenue East from the East <br />side of Pearl Street to the ~est side of High Street be extended to the sidewalk <br />being 27 feet North of the present center line of 6th Avenue East, and <br /> <br />l~':HEEEAS, the ::'.t8te Highv~ay COIYllnission has made 2 proposal to the City <br />of Eugene tha t in caSe such wideninc i::, permitted tha t Ute HiE2:hvJsy Cowrnission <br />0ill do all of the work of changing the street over in the manner indicated <br />and establish it at grade at their own cost and expense, <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />T:rcEF:EFOHE BE 1'1' R:2S01,VED, ty the Common Council of the City of Eugene <br />that consent and permission is hereby Liven to the State HiGhway Commission <br />to extend the p2ving on the North side of 6th Avenue Eest from the East side <br />of Pearl Street to the West side of High Street to the sidewalk being 27 feet <br />North of the present center line of 6th Avenue East, at the cost and expense of <br />the State Highway Commission and there is granted to the State Highway Commission <br />the right to enter upon said street and to obstruct or close the same to any <br />extent necessary to the transposition from its present paved width. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />It was pointed out that there were also vc:~rious public utility ;;,tructures <br />on these streets, and the folloviiIl[ resolution as to High Street was read and <br />adopted, c,ll Council menlbers present votin[., aye. <br /> <br />RES 0 I UTI 0 N <br />--------- <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />l.:'I-1EHEAS, tile City of Eugene at the instance of' the State Higll'way Commission <br />has E:uthol'ized the :Iif,hvvay Commission to v.'iden the pavinc on High Street between <br />the South side of 5th Avenue East and the South side of 6th Avenue East to a <br />distance of 54 feet or from sidewalk to sidewalk, and <br /> <br />VHlliREAS, the various Public Utili ties have structures wi thin the a rea of <br />said contemplated change, therefore <br /> <br />BE 1'1' R~SOLVED by the Common Coune il of the City of Eugene tha t the Ci ty <br />Recorder be and he is hereby directed with the aid of the City Engineer to give <br />notice to the various Public Utilities having structures in the area contemplated <br /> <br />/...4 <br />