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<br />~530 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />..~ r-~:-.c--;;~~~==~~~,-'-:-~~-~~~:- :-'-~~~-~~:c~--~~;~~~;,;~~~=c=-.:::==~~-~ :c~c-:-=~-:~- ,-, ,::..~~~~.:c _u-:-=-~;~ ~-~"~ ,c-,-:=, '~=~~ -~~~';;~-::=~_,;.c.~,-C"~;,~~:~~~__:. ,;-=--~ =~~~-=:~; <br /> <br /> <br />It is" therefor,e, recommend,ed that effective November., 1st, all appli- <br />cations for re,-zoning, b,e.,ac.companied by a d,eposit of $10.00 for. ad:vertising - <br />, ' costs .,\ ,Such depo,sit s to- be.r.e,tained, and credited. to the. General Fund where I <br />,/.<., such applications are completed or a refund of $5.00 made to the petitioner in <br />''',,'' even t that the, original, application is, denied by the Planning Commi,ssion. ft <br /> <br />~ It.was moved by Hawn, seconded by Davis that the report of the Manager be re- <br />.---. celov,ed, and, placed on. f,i,l,e and... tha.t, the recommendati.on; be.. ado.pted..< <br />........ ' ., <br /> <br />The City Manager.submit"ted a letter received, from Councilman Geo.' I. <br />6 Hurley, submitting his resignatibn as Councilman from the second ward the <br />resignation being occasioned from his removal of place of residence f~om the <br />C i.ty . ' . <br /> <br />It ~as move~ by Crumbaker, seconded by Bailey that the resignation be acce~ted. <br />Mot.loon, carla,ed. <br /> <br />Progress pa~ment report from the office of the City Engineer in the <br />7 amoun,t of $23,564.96 on the. Amazon Inter.c,eptor Sewer, was. submit.t,ed and read. <br /> <br />It was mo:ved, by Davi s, sec.onde,d by Hawn that. the report. as, submi.tted be approved <br />and th~ City Treas~rer authorize9- to make progress payment to the Empire Con- <br />struct10n Company 1n the sum of ~23,564.96. Rollcall - All Councilmen present <br />voting, AYE. <br /> <br />8 . Bill~ against the various City Departments for the month of 'September, <br />1946 weres.ubmlotted as foll"ow,s,:., <br /> <br />GENERAL FUND <br /> <br />Aetlla~,Life Insurance $ 49.20 The J. K. Gill Co. $ 10.19 <br />Aetna Life Insurance 157.21 J. J. Godlove 4.00 <br />Pac-ific Hospi,tal 151.25 B. F. Goodr.ich Co. 506.04 <br />, Eugene Hospital 23.00 Gordon Hardware 13.55 <br />I John FieldS" City Re,corder, 200.64 Guard Publishing Co. 40.13 <br />John, Fields". City Recor.d,er- 45.00 George A. Halton Co. 8.77 . ' <br />First National Bank 1840.10 Hendershotts . 1.40 I <br />I Public Employees Retir.e., 2793.15 Henzlers Lawn Mower Co., 1.50 <br />I Eugene ,Public Library '1375.85 H &.M.C. Company 36.95 <br />I Mayor Earl McNutt 50.00 Walter. Ho,ey Motors, Inc.. 1.39 <br />,I American Fire Equip. Co.. 253.50 How a r,d., Cooper Corp. 34.42 <br />: American-LaFrance Foamite 118.49 Charles Humphreys 7.21 <br />American Eub1ic Works. Assn., 4.00 Industrial Accident Comm., 226.74 <br />Lester Barker 10.08 Kendall Motors Co. 198.68 <br />i Baker's Pharmacy 22.00 Keu,ffe1 &. Esser Co. 6.32 <br />! Tom ,Baner 9.00 Koke-Chapman Co. 31.60 <br />I Bo,ehnke Printing Co. 103.75 Korn's, Baking Co. 7.50 <br />Brannen's Tire Go. 42.80 Lane Gra:ve1 Co. 448.70 <br />, Brogd.on's Feed Store 218.01 Jack Lamb Fil-mShop 12.50 <br />; Bureau of, Labor 7.50 Lane. County Abstract Co. 12.00 <br />i R. G. Carter 4.00 Northwest.Ci, Co. 5.00 <br />I Central Heating Company 7.10 Raymond E. Newby 2.00 <br />: Clark Battery &. Electric Co. 12.31 Mitchell, Lewis &. Stover< 52.53 <br />': T. V. Clark 43.50 Mogan Lumber Co. 14.96 <br />; Vi. J.Cloyes 35.00 Mountain S,tatesPower Co. 24.60 <br />; W. C. Clubb. 88.15 G,e,orge .Myrmo &. Son 14.20 <br />Columbia. Equ1.pme,nt Co. 80.43 Munnell &. Sherrill 228.00 <br />Columbia Equipment Go. 82.46 Oregon Supply Co. 11.26 <br />Commeri'cal Office Suppl.i,es 38.02 Or.chardAuto Parts 1.38 <br />Cres,sey's 36.80 Packer~Scot.t Co. 69.21 <br />C &. SElectric 8.57 L. D. Peterson 1.10 <br />Donald C. Dickey 11.31 Pres,ton &. Hales Co. 5.40 <br />: Glendon H. Dotson 12.87 J. W. Q,uackenbush Co. 3..39 <br />Eugene Auto Top Co. 3.50 Radio Laborat~ry . 2.2:5 <br />Eugene Concrete Pipe 9.45 R.C.A. Commun1cat10ns, Inc. 2.50 <br />Eugen e Hardware Co. 20.76 Rex -Cafe . 3. 30 <br />i Eugene-Lane County 10.00 Rees E1ectrloc C~. 13.70 <br />! Eugene Laundry & Dry C1nrs. 13.83 George Schaefer s 65.88 <br />, Eugene Sand &. Gravel 103.10 She,l ton, T~rn~ul1 &. Fu~ler 31.25 <br />Eugene Tent & Awning. Sho,p, 17.50 Scobert BUloldlong Materloal Co. 5.00 <br />Eugene Water Board 103.74 Sheriff's Office 85.50 I <br />John Fields, City Treasurer 326.75 Willis H. Small 27.50 <br />t S B Finegan 1 85 Spa rk ey 's Garbage 1.20 <br />F~wl~r Mfg. Co. 430:00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif. 486.72 . <br />Eva Gallup 11.52 E. H. Stankey 2.88 <br />I Gardner's Radiator Service 15.25 Western Union 9.60 <br />I <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />\ <br />, <br />I <br />I <br /> <br />~ <br />