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Transportation System Improvements Roadway Policy 41: Mobility and Safety for all <br />Modes states: <br />"Address the mobility and safety needs of motorists, transit users, bicyclists, <br />pedestrians, and the needs of emergency vehicles when planning and constructing <br />roadway system improvements." <br />9) Removal of parking from the south side of West 13t" Avenue and installation of an eastbound <br />bicycle lane is consistent with Objectives I and 2 and Policies 1. 1, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1 and 2.3 of the <br />Eugene Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP) accepted by Eugene City Council on <br />March 12, 2012. <br />Objective 1 -Create 20 -minute neighborhoods by providing accessible, efficient and <br />convenient methods for pedestrians and bicyclists to travel to the places where they <br />live, shop, work and play by expanding and improving Eugene's bicycle and pedestrian <br />network. <br />Policy LI: Make' bicycling and walking more attractive than driving for trips of two <br />miles or less. <br />Policy 1.5: Construct high-quality pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure to provide <br />safer, more appealing and well-connected facilities. <br />Policy 1.6: Build pedestrian and bicycle facilities on new roadways, and retrofit older <br />roadways to complete the pedestrian and bicycle system, using routes and facility <br />designs identified in this plan. <br />Objective 2—Safety and Equity: Build a system that addresses the needs and safety of <br />all users, including youth, the elderly, people with disabilities, and people of all races, <br />ethnicities and incomes. <br />Policy 2.1: Continually improve bicycling and walking comfort and safety through <br />design, operations and maintenance including development of "low stress" bikeways <br />to attract new cyclists. <br />Policy 23: Ensure that bicycling and walking facilities are provided for all <br />demographics, including people ol'different ages, races. <br />Administrative Order -- Page 3 of 4 <br />