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<br />r rt0, ~ ~,:J- 621. ' <br />bt" ,,/> ~ <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />3/28/66 ' <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Council Chamber <br />Eugene, Oregon <br />March 28, 1966 <br /> <br />The adjourned meeting ~f the Common Council of the city of Eugene, Oregon - .adjourned from the <br />regular held on March 14, 1966 - w~s call.ed to or4~r at_ 7.: 30 p. m. on March .28, 1966 in the <br />Council Chamber by His Honor Mayor- Edwin E~ Cone with. the' following councilmep presept: Mrs. .Lauris, <br />Messrs. Chatt, Crakes, Purdy, McNutt, Anderson, and Lassen. Councilman Hawk was absent. <br /> <br />Minutes of the regul,ar meeting held March 14, 1966 and of the special meeting hel'd Mar~h 22, 19.66, <br />as maile d to members of the Co~ncil were approved. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br />Proclamation <br /> <br />Canvass of votes cast in special election March 15, 1966 on Charter amendment which <br />wou~d authorizel issuance of revenue~onds ~yEugene Water & E~ectric,Board without <br />voter ~pp'roval, wa~ read. Theca,nvass s:howed results of the election too. be. 1501 Yes <br />votes cast, and 2386 No, and the amendment was p~oclaimed defeated. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />Mr. Chatt moved seconded py Mr. Crakes to accept .t~e.canvass of votes as'submitted. Mot.ion carried. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />Pigeons - Councilman Crakes stated tl1at several people had called him concerning the pigeon nuisance <br />on Willamette Street an? that he hac;}., discussed the: problem with, Donald Di~key, r.odent c:ontro). officer, <br />who said he would need approval from the Council to proceed against the pigeons. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Crakes moved seconded by Mr. McNutt to authorize Mr. Dickey to resolve the pigeon problem. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />Resolution No. 1284 <br /> <br />Commending Lester F. Barker, retiring Fire Marshal, for long years of service <br />and execellent work done by Fire Marshal's office, was submitted and read in <br />full. <br /> <br />Mr. Chatt moved seconded py Mr. Crakes to adopt the resolution and to have a copy presented to <br />Mr. Barker. Motion carried. <br /> <br />4 Eugene Deve10pment Agency issued an invitation to the City Council to attend a meeting between the <br />Downtown Development Association and the Agency at 7:30 a.m., Wednesday, March 30, 1966. <br /> <br />COMMITTEE REPORTS <br /> <br />Committee meeting held March 24, 1966: <br /> <br />"Present:Mayor Cone; Councilmen Lauris, Chatt, Crakes, Anderson, and Lassen; City Manager; <br />Assistant City Manager; Administrative Assistant; City Attorney; City Recorder; <br />Public Works Director; and others. <br /> <br />5 <br /> <br />1. Variance from R-3G, 23rd and Patterson, McKenzie-Green - McKenzie-Green, Inc., re- <br />quested variance from three requirements of the R-3G district on apartment house <br />construction at 23rd and Patterson. The variance requested was with respec to <br />covered exterior walkways, decorative perimeter enclosure, and room count. The <br />Supterintendent of Building Inspection explained the Code requirements on the <br />three items. After furt'her discussion, Mrs. Lauris moved seconded by Mr. Chatt <br />to grant the requested variance on the three items. Motion carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Chatt moved seconded by Mr. Crakes to approve Item 1 of the Committee report. Motion carried. <br /> <br />e <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />2. OMSI, Skinners Butte - George Mayer, representing OMSI, presented a brief report on <br />progress of planning for development of OMSI facilities on Skinners Butte. He dis- <br />cussed the Public Works Department report relative to access to the site, and the <br />possibility of constructing a tramway or other device to reach the top of the Butte. <br />No action was taken. <br /> <br />Mr. Chatt moved seconded by Mr. Crakes that Item 2 of the Committee report be received and filed. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />7 <br /> <br />3. Eugen~ Development Agency, Housing Leasing Program - A letter was read from Leland R. <br />Anderson, executive director of the Lane County Housing Authority, in which he ex- <br />plained suggestions made by the San Francisco office of Department of Housing and <br />Urban Development concerning a public housing leasing program. A copy of a resolu- <br />tion was presented which, if adopted by the City Council, will allow the Housing <br />Authority to undertake a leasing program. The Eugene Development Agency recommended <br />the Council's adoptiong of the resolution. Mrs. Lauris moved seconded by Mr. Chatt <br />that the resolution be presented at the regular Council ~eeting for adoption. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />Mr. Chatt moved seconded by Mrs. Lauris to approve Item 3 of the Committee report. Motion carried. <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />3/28/66 - 1 <br />