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<br /> 49~ <br />Ii <br />"- <br /> 12/26/68 <br /> -~ - ---.-- <br />.. Council Chamber <br /> Eugene, Oregon <br /> December 26, 1968 <br /> Special Meeting of the Common Council of the city of Eugene, Oregon - called by His Honor Mayor, <br /> Edwin E. Cone to consider changes affecting lease of commercial space in the 10th and Oak parking <br /> structure - was called to order at 12:00 noon on December 26, 1968 in the Council Chamber by <br /> Council President Lester E. Anderson in the absence of Mayor Cone. Other councilmen present were: <br /> Mrs. Lauris, Mr. Lassen, Mrs. Hayward, and Messrs. Wingard and Teague. Councilmen Purdy and <br /> McDonald were absent. <br /> 1 10th and Oak Commercial Lease - The City Manager explained that the engineers on the <br /> parking structure proposed changes which they feel will decrease the cost of the project <br /> by about $200,000.00. Redesign contemplates use of the mezzanine space for heating and <br /> ventilation equipment which will result in loss of about 2100 square feet of rentable <br /> space to Nils Hult who has leased the ground-floor commercial space from the City for a <br /> prepayment of $350,000.00. In negotiating this change with the City, Mr. Hult asked <br />it reduction of the rental charge from $2.12 to $2.00 per square foot to compensate for the <br /> longer period of time over which the advance rental payment will be repaid. The net <br /> annual reduction amounts to about $7,200.00. It was recommended the commercial lease <br /> be amended as outlined so the $350,000.00 prepayment would be available to allow pro- <br /> ceeding with award of contract for construction of the parking structure and to pay <br />.'. the contractor. <br /> On question from Councilman Teague with regard to notification of other bidders on <br />ill the commercial lease, the City Manager said the only bidder, Eugene Industrial Develop- <br /> ment Corporation, had submitted a bid only as a matter of public service so it was not <br /> felt necessary to call for new bids. The Manager further explained that owners of <br /> property contacted in the assessment district have expressed the general feeling that <br /> because of the two-year delay in starting the project a 15% increase in the assessment <br /> would not be exorbitant. <br /> The Manager said in answer to question from Councilmen Teague that there was no dis- <br /> cussion with regard to providing a helicopter landing area on top of the structure. <br /> It was the consensus that such transportation terminal should be considered in any <br /> future parking structure plans. <br />. Mr. Lassen moved seconded by Mrs. Lauris to proceed with the amended lease on the commercial space <br /> with Nils Hult as recommended. Rollcall vote. All councilmen present voting aye, motion carried. <br /> 2 The City Manager said that Mr. Hult wishes to make part of his contribution to the project in the <br /> form of securities guaranteeing $50,000.00, and it is necessary to appoint a broker to sell and <br /> deliver them to the City. <br /> Resolution No. 1618 - Appointing Harris Upham & Co. as broker to handle the $50,000.00 securities <br /> on the Hult commercial lease, 10th and Oak parking structure, was sub- <br /> mitted and read in full. <br />'. Mr. Lassen moved seconded by Mrs. Lauris to adopt the resolution. Motion carried. <br /> 3 Ban, Back Yard Burning - Councilwoman Hayward asked for a staff report regarding implica- <br /> tions on back yard burning on collecting leaves, grass, etc. <br /> Councilman Lassen said the Fire Department is also concerned on this point. He said it is <br /> felt better the problem be handled on a regional basis to avoid different controls in <br />. different areas. He suggested nothing be done until it is determined what the effect will <br /> be, that a more rigid ban may be desired. <br /> No action was taken. <br /> ~on motion duly made, seconded, and carried, the meeting was adjourned. <br />.- A/tQ;;~ <br /> Hu~h McKinley ~ <br />, Ci Y Manager <br />It <br /> 12/26/68 - 1 ~ <br />- <br />