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<br />It was the consensus of the Council that an income tax was a justifiable source of <br />revenue for local government. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson explained the alternatives, and the obligation to proceed with <br />capital projects. He felt that Alternative /11 set forth a plan to present to the <br />voters for future expendi ture of the funds. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal was concerned, regarding capi tal improvement projects, whether the Ci ty <br />Ioiould bond or would pay as it went. . She felt the capital improvement budget <br />should be on a permanent basis, that a fund should be buil t up, rather than pay <br />interest rates on bonding. <br /> <br />Hr. Gribskov felt that Alternative ill appeared to be favored by the Council, and. <br />that it might expedite discussion if .some action were taken. <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson suggested that Council arri ve at a decision so that staff could <br />frane a statement th;at would indicate the Council decision. <br /> <br />Mrs. Campbell felt the Auditorium Center should be included in the iteias in the <br />statement as this appeared to have voter appeal. <br /> <br />Hayor Anderson sai d the Council does not n(M have a proposal from the Audi tori um <br />comm:ittee and therefore cannot make decisions on its funding. <br /> <br />Councilman Williams did not feel the political body should strongly tie a source <br />of revenue to any specific purpose, but to tie it in general to capital purposes <br />was logical. He felt the Council did have an ob-ligation to give the voters an <br />opportunity to vote on another way to provide fUnds for local government. ' <br /> <br />Mr. Williams moved seconded by Mr. Gribskov that the Council adopt Option I lIS a bM1s <br />for USing funds if the proposed tax is passed; and direct staff to prepare a statement <br />that could be issued which would say roughly' that Council feels funds are needed for <br />providing for local govemment in th~ future, and that the property tax is clearly an <br />inequitable way of raising those funds; that Council endorse this mellSure to the citi- <br />zens of Eugene as a way of relieving some of the burden of property tax, both natI and <br />in the future; and to pro vi de funds to meet the needs of this communi ty. <br /> <br />IIrs. Campbell was not in disagreement the motion, but felt there should be <br />some way to infoFm the voters that, even with this proposed tax, the school levies <br />wil substantially affect the property tax rate. <br /> <br />lIayor Anderson could see no way of offsetting this problem, and said all the <br />City could do WIIS express its intent to hold the line. <br /> <br />In answer to Ci ty Manager, Councilman Williams said his motion was bllSically to <br />apply the revenue equally to the capital needs of the City and to operating c:os". <br /> <br />lIanager suggested that, IISsuming the matter was submitted to the voters, the Council <br />should list specific priorities on projects so that voters would have an J.dN of <br />the intent behind the proposed tax. <br /> <br />IIr. Williams agreed that voters needed to be convinced that govemment needs mon <br />money. He did not thJ.nk they believed it. <br /> <br />Mayor Anderson suggested that, in the statemsnt being prepared, the Council <br />indicate arellS when they felt the City WIIS currently lacking and wen falling <br />behind because of budgetary limitations. He did not feel a need to identify <br />priorities at this point. . <br /> <br />Ed Kenyon, Register Guard, CODIDIel2ted that the motion did not make a statement en- <br />dorsing the inClOlJle tax proposal. A re-reading of the motion indicated it did en- <br />dorse the proposal. Councilman Williams said the intent of the motion WIIS to <br />provide voters wi th an. oppartuni ty to say what they want to do about theJ.r govern- <br />msJ1t and how they want to fund it. 2'he proposal is a way to pay less property taxa <br />and put dollars into the hands of the govemmsnt needed for public purposes. <br /> <br />Vote taken on motion. Notion carried. <br /> <br />Hayor requested staLf to Co"DlJvey the Council act10n to the County Co.a81onen. <br /> <br />In answer to IIrs. Campbell, llanager aaid it WIIS not necessary for the cOuncil to <br />consult the eight budget conafttee ~erir. <br /> <br />B. lIemorandum, County-wide InCOlJle 2'ax - A rough draft of a stat..-nt to endone the <br />proposed County l%~ inCCM118 tax w. forwarded .to .Counci.l the ,agena. Counc:U- <br />woman Campbell suggested that a tims Uaattcould'be illlpOSed for use of half tlie ' <br />revenue for J)aymsnt of city .e1lllfUl8es, J.n J)lacw of property tax rewnue. <br /> <br />12/29/71 <br />Approve <br /> <br />Mayor said it w.. his understanding that it would be left o~ and that Luncll{ for <br />capital iJqprovement would be placed in an aCClDunt to aCCWDUlate. 2'here ".. Lur- <br />ther discussion of the _,.,randum and 1. ts "ording. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />J/JO/7~ '- 2 <br />j <br /> <br />....'" <br />, <br />.'\, <br /> <br />'" <br />" <br />"" <br />" <br />,. <br /> <br />I <br />i' <br /> <br />i <br />i <br />I <br />! . <br />j <br />1 <br />I <br />f ; <br />i : <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />! ' <br /> <br />-. <br /> <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />.~. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />,~ <br />I <br />