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<br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded 'by Mr~ Williams thAtthebill~bBread~the second time <br />by council blll number only, with'unanimous consent of the Council, and that <br />enactmehtbe considered at this time. Motion carried unanimously and the bill <br />was read the second time by council bill number only. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams tha the bill be approved and given <br />final passage. Rollcall voter All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was <br />declared pass~d and numbered 16746. <br /> <br />3. Rezoning from R-l toC-l SR area ?outh of 17th ~nd west of Chambers <br />(Tax Lot 9100) (Dennis Daggett) . <br /> <br />Recommended by the Planning Commission on March 6, 1973 to provi,de <br />for commercial property facing on 18th Avenue'. <br /> <br />: CQuncil Bill N;o. 215 - Rezoning to C-l SR area south of 17th Avenue approxi- <br />mately. -3)72 feet west of Chambers Streets was submitted and read the first time <br />by council bill number and title only, there being no councilman present request~ <br />ing that it be read in full, ' <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be read the second time <br />by council bill number only, with unanimous:.consent of:t;h'e- Cquncil, and that <br />enactment be considered at this time. Motion carried 'Uh\~r:hlnr6usly and the bill <br />was read the second time by council bill number only. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be approved and given <br />final passage. Rollcall 'vote. All councilmen present voting aye, the bill was <br />declared passed and numbered 16747. <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4. Rezoning fromM-2 to C-l SR area at northeast corner 3rd and Mill <br />(Cliff6rdShirl~y)' ., <br /> <br />Recommended by Planning Commission on March 13, 1973 for a proposed <br />grocery store. <br /> <br />Council Bill No. 216 -Rezoning to C-l SR area at the northeast corner of <br />3rd Avenue and Mill Street was-=.:s~bp1i:ttBd aI!-9-~IIS3ad the first time by council bill <br />number and title only, there beQng no councilman present requesting that it be <br />read in full. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moved seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be read the second time <br />by council bill number only, with unanimous consent of the Council, and that <br />enactment be considered at this time. ~otion carried UD_aIJ.irhou-ply, 'and the bill <br />was read the second time by council bill number 0nly. .. <br /> <br />Mrs. Beal moveq seconded by Mr. Williams that the bill be approved and given <br />final passage. ' Rollcall vote. All councilmen pres~nt voting aye, the bill was <br />declared passed and numbered 16748. <br /> <br />-- <br /> <br />-"..- <br /> <br />5. Rezoning from C-l to RA PD area west of Echo Hollow Road and north <br />of Marshall Avenue (Ted Murphy) <br /> <br />Planning Comm~s~:don:~r.Bco~ended::appfoval on March 13, 1973. <br /> <br />William DeZeeuw, 2455 Frontier Drive, owning property 'across the street from the <br />proposed zone change, favored retaining the C-l zone. Louie Patton, 1190 Echo <br />Hollow Road, did not object to the rezoning if it ,did not apply to adjacent <br />property in his ownership.' Manager pointed, to location of the tract on a map <br />and explained that favorable action on this request would provide residential <br />zoning.between two sections of commercial zoning and one across the street. He <br />said the Commission in touring the area. expressed concern about the quantity of <br />unused commercially-zoned land there and decided to hold-public hearing to.con-' <br />sider rezoning-to a higher use. That hearing ,is scheduled before_the Planfling <br />Commission the first part of June. ' <br /> <br />Henry Baitus,realtor and builder at 1192 High Street, expressed concern about <br />changing the commercial zone of his property northeast of the subject property. <br />He wanted to d-evelop that ,property for commercial use. if a change~ to residential <br />use is contemplated. <br /> <br />Joe Green, 2690 Sylvan Street, speaking for Ted Murphy', did not feel zoning on <br />a~jacent properties h~d any bearing on the is~u~ under, dis~ussion. ,He said <br />.the.:prQperty, ,ifnotprezoned f-or:x~s~d~R:t-ia~ll}se,'wo'\lld'-'p'ro,baply"slt vacant . <br />bacause;,~of th'e-lack of potential for'~comrirer~icH,use,-b'lit,-that PUDprocedlires..' <br />rec'omme:ncled by the Commission would allow- sliitable development for. housing on <br />that street. <br /> <br />""'. <br />~~ <br />"v <br /> <br />qq <br /> <br />4/9/73 .- 2 <br />