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<br /> M I NUT E S <br /> EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br /> July 22, 'I974 <br />- <br /> Adjourned meeting of the Common Council of the city of Eugene, Oregon - adjourned from the <br /> meeting held July 15, 1974 - was called to order by Council President Tom Williams in the <br /> absence of Mayor Anderson at 7:30 p.m. on July 22, 1974 in the Council Chamber with the <br /> following other Council members present: James Hershner, H. C. McDonald, Wickes Beal, <br /> Beth Campbell, Gus Keller, Neil Murray. Councilman Wood was absent. <br />(0001) A prepared statement was read by Councilwoman Beal eulogizing Wayne Morse, former member of . <br /> the United States Senate from Oregon, whose death occurred earlier in the day. On motion <br /> byM,i'. Hershner seconded by Mrs. Campbell and carried unanimously the statement was to be <br /> forwarded to Mrs. Morse on behalf of the Council in recognition of Senator Morse's great <br /> contribution to society. <br />(0036) ~ I - Proclamation - Canvassing votes was read showing results of July 9, '1974 election <br /> to exceed the 6% limitation by $2,755,634 - Yes 6,748 <br /> No 7,288 <br /> , Hershner moved seconded by Mrs. Motion <br /> Mr. Campbell to accept the proclamation. <br /> carried unanimously. <br />- ~I - Public Hearings <br /> A. Appeal from Planning Commission denial, of rezoning area north of Green Acres Road <br /> east of Delta Highway - From RA to RG-SR (June 4, 1974) (2 '74-7) ,- M&M-Safley <br /> Staff. notes and minutes of June 4, 1974 Planning Commission meeting were previously <br /> forwarded to Council members. Manager read appeal submitted by Mike Safley from <br /> the Planning Commission denial of rezoning to RG-SR on the basis that the decision <br /> was not supported by evidence on the record, that the Commission erred in its <br /> decision that there was no public need and that the need would not be best served by <br /> the subject property. He described the location of the project, lying east of <br /> Delta Highway between an industrial area and a mobile home park. Jim S'l-ul, planner, <br /> said the rezoning involved 6.63 acres, now vacant, lying in the midst of other <br /> vacant properties. He noted documentation distributed to Council members by staff <br /> and by Mr. Safley and said that there were no~detailed plans on proposed d~velopment <br /> of the property. <br /> Public hearing was opened, the Chair stating the manner as required under the <br /> Fasano ruling in which the hearing would be conducted. Council members declared <br /> no ex parte contact or other reason for abstaining from discussion or vote. <br />.12) Mike Safley, petitioner for the rezoning, felt the Council should give its approval <br /> of the requested RG-SR zone to provide the opportunity to develop more low-cost <br /> housing. He referred to the 1990 General Plan and its suggestion for consideration <br /> of social problems in its implementation through creation of public and private <br /> partnerships to provide a choice of housing units at a range of costs. Slides of the <br /> proposed development were shown demonstrating the potential of the location for <br /> living environment through construction of sound barriers against industrial uses <br /> to the west. Mr. Safley felt this particular property best suited for the type <br /> housing proposed to provide living units for younger people employed in nearby <br /> commercial activities. He called attention to the County's abandonment of the <br /> adjacent Ayres property since defeat of a,ballot measure concerning a close-in land- <br /> fill site. He felt that if Planning Commission had considered his rezoning petition <br /> after that election they would not have denied it because removal of a potential <br /> sani tary landfill in the' area made the proposed development more at,tracti ve. Mr. <br /> Safley said analysis of a feasibility study indicated a demand from younger people <br /> for the type housing proposed here, and he felt construction at today's costs would <br /> be of benefit. He asked for positive findings on a social perspective to provide <br /> the moderate-cost housing now lacking in the city. <br />(0512) Councilman McDonald asked whether a minimum average income would be necessary for <br /> rental of one of the proposed units. Mr. Safley replied: that the suggested rent <br /> schedule was the most competitive that could be put together. He said he was not <br />- suggesting the proposed development was a cure-all for low-income rental problems, <br /> but that anyone conducting themselves in a socially, acceptable manner would be' <br /> welcomed as 'tenants. His objective, he said, was to provide the best housing at <br /> the lowest possible cost. On further questioning from Mr. McDonald, Mr. Safley <br /> said that anyone regardless of income could become a tenant of the proposed develop- <br /> ment so long as the rent was paid. <br /> , . .. .L,. ~ . . '~~.,,:-:"_ ;~~".~1_~~~'~~~'T-':; ~ -- ----:- <br />(0565) , <br /> , - =, i/22/7tr:'-1" . = ---. , <br /> 2.5(, <br />- <br />