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<br />---- -- ,. -- ._~_. . '.--.. - -. - - --...~ ..-~---.__.. - <br /> <br />Councilman Keller thought MAPAC's designation for the ~ork would duplicate efforts, , <br />'. I <br />that LCOG appeared to be the appropriate body because of statistics they had already <br />developed. Mr. Murray recognized statistical information developed by LCOG but thought <br />that MAPAC, as a committee of LCOG, would automatically have that information. tit <br /> <br />I.councilman Wood noted LCOG's consideration of creating a committee to look at func- <br />tions of the various committees. He thought that submission to LCOG for a recommenda- <br />itionwould be best because of the co-operative effort desired. <br />! <br />:Councilman Williams suggested deletion of reference in the resolution to MAPAC, . <br />;making the first paragraph of the resolution read: "The city of Eugene invites I <br />;Lane County and the city of Springfield to join us in conducting a thorough study...." <br />IHe said this would hold open for the time being the specific question of who would do ' ') <br />, . <br />Ithe study. Or it would give the opportunity perhaps to consider as a more appropriate t.... <br />group one made up of elected officials of the governmental units, similar to the ~ <br />Metropolitan Sewer Advisory Committee. Councilman Murray said that a jointly- I <br />:appointed "citizens" COrmhittee was very much a part of the proposal. He wondered <br />I . . <br />~f input from LCOG staff present at this meeting would help. <br />J ~ <br />~ayor Anderson noted his experience as a panel member on property law at the University l <br />,during the past summer wherein he had occasion to do considerable reading on growth i <br />studies which gave him an appreciation of the magni tude of the task under discussion. .j . . <br />He thought that before proceeding into the technical phase of how a growth study i .7' <br />should be conducted or trying to delineate what was to be included there should be a 1 <br />general resolution inviting the other jurisdictions' support and participation, in- j ~ <br />cluding resources. Then, the resolution finally adopted would define in detail the ,., <br />areas the study should encompass, similar to that on the Goodpasture Island area. <br />He proposed a different resolution for adoption at this time, which he read, and sug- <br />gested that Councilman Murray, Manager, and planning staff meet with representatives <br />of Springfield and Lane County to develop a document which would more specifically <br />spell out the thrust of the study and how it would be conducted. He felt the Murray/ <br />Beal resolution might call for studies in areas where information was already available. <br /> <br />Manager said it seemed inevitable that concerns of other jurisdictions - Cottage Grove, <br />Creswell, Veneta, etc. - and school districts would have to be taken into considera- <br />tion in'any growth study for the metropolitan area. And that the existing LCOG struc- <br />ture would be particularly suited to that purpose without creating a special organiza- <br />tion comprisi~g just the three units. He suggested the LCOG Board might be willing I <br />J;.Q--J;..I~p,Qml[lel)d._delineatiQn of. suchC!.$tudt7andhow to qo abou};_it.__Coun.ciJ-J!lal1....wood _ <br />agreed with that viewpoint, pointing out tllat LCOG would De in contact wi th many <br />school districts in the County attempting to gain a greater degree of participa- \ <br />tion from them in LCOG's activities. He felt too that the problem of growth would <br />be of concern to other cities looking to the metropolitan area for regional shop- <br />,ping services. . '.. <br /> <br />!Councilman Murray said he. would be willing to.amend his motion to provide for ... <br />/adopt)PIl ~f the or.iginaI-.r;~olution revised to make the first paragraph read: "TheW <br />~cify of Eugene'~i1vites -tane C(illnty and the c4ty of Springfield.... to join us ~ll request- <br />ling ~ jointly-appointed citizens comrn}(tee t;;coi1a.uct-~a-tnorcfugh-sttldy._. :7'and to <br />ladd at the end the provision that "this resolution be distributed to LCOG for con- <br />,sideration and comment." <br />I <br />I <br />iCouncilman Williams wondereg-if-itwould be appropriate to ask LCOG for considera- <br />.'tion and comment on the r~solution first, then bringing back the revised version <br />Ifor adoption. Councilman McDonald could see no reason for that action. He asked <br />iwhy LCOG, if it was to be involved, had not initiated the study of its own accord. <br />[Mr. Williams answered that because LCOG was deeply in- <br />voLved in a .;;tudy of th~s ,fl9J:.uJe it seemed. logical to get their thoughts before <br />Ii t was started. Councilman Wood added tha't it would seem to eliminate duplication ' <br />jinan intergovernmental action. He favored sending ,the resolution to LCOG 'for review' <br />land comment. ...._ <br /> <br />I ~ <br />:Mayor Anderson thought a mor~_general approach should be made to LCOG. He felt <br />'several of the areas covered in the Murray/Beal resolution needed'clarification. <br />"Methods of control," for instance - did it mean to control growth itself or ef- <br />.fects of growth; "cost/benefits of growth" :... did it mean fiscal impact of growth ' <br />or disadvantages vs advantages. He. wondered how other thing!!.__c.C?uld be worked in, e' __ <br />,such as effect of major growth problems in this area as opposed to other areas, <br />'and interim development controls. These, he said, would take techniques which <br />would take time to develop so it would appear better to use a very general .approach <br />to LCOG asking for a study of economic and population growth, analysis of major <br />growth problems, and developme~t of a growth poiicy. After response from them, <br />a more defini tive statement could be developed. , <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />8/23/74 -2 <br />.331 <br />