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<br /> ,. <br />Councilwoman Campbell asked if Mr. Blowers would be permitted to construct a six-foot fence <br />ar~urtd the balance of his property. She wanted to make sure he knew ordinance requirements <br />and what to expect in the future. Manager explained that the height limitation applied only <br />to front yards, and he presumed that if the Council did allow a six-foot fence as now -' <br />existed it would also include that portion to the property line and along the alley to the <br />south at the same height. <br />There was some discussiQn of setback requirements in multiple-family residential, commercial, <br />and industrial zones between Councilwoman Beal and Manager, after which Mrs. Bea1 said she <br />thought the Council should hold to Code provisions unless there was some overriding reason <br />to grant a:variance. She thought it the wrong approach to override a Zoning Board of Appeals <br />recommendation, rather she thought that it would be better to write a new law. She sug- <br />gested taking no action until some recommendations were received from the Planning Commission. <br />Councilman Wood agreed and suggested delaying action on this appeal until there was an op- <br />portunity to review Code provisions on setback requirements. <br />, ~ Councilman Murray a'ho agreed and wi thdrew his motion, saying he would substi- <br /> tut~ one to "suspend action untll further word on the requirements. <br />Manager noted that the Planning Commission did have reconsideration of Code pTovisions on its <br />agenda, however it appeared to be a long way in the future because of importance of other <br />things to be done. But he thought it should probably be reviewed 'because of :the number of <br />appeals corning to the Board. <br />Councilman McDonald agreed on wi thdraw1 of the motion., He thought the reyiew of Code require- - <br />ments should have a high priority on Planning Commission agenda so that the Council would <br />have some basis for making decisions. <br />Discussion continued on carrying the deliberations over to a specified time - asking the <br />planning staff to give the matter first priority, questioning the status of Council Presi- <br />dent's vote in the absence of the Mayor, etc., concluding with suggestion by Councilman <br />Wood that a temporary one-year variance be granted during which time the Planning Commission <br />would have time to consider Code provisions. <br /> Mr. Murray accepted that suggestion and moved, seconded by Mr. McDonald, to <br /> grant a one-year variance for the six-foot wooden fence at 2605 Friendly Street. <br />Mrs. Campbell explained that she had consistently voted against variances of this kind and <br />said she would vote to comply with the ordinance. <br /> 'Councii President Williams stated his ,interpretation' of ,the motion, was that if <br /> the ordinance was,net-amenued witnin-the one~year period, the'variance would be <br /> terminated. Mr. Murray agreed and assumed that the matter would corne back then <br /> for further discussion. <br /> Vote was taken on the motion to grant a one-year variance. Motion carried, all . <br /> council members voting aye, except Mrs.Campbell voting no. <br />B. Lane County request for mobile home for temporary office, Bethel-Danebo Landfill (856) <br /> north of 11th, west of Bertelsen <br /> Staff had no objections to the request~ <br /> Public hearing was opened. <br /> . <br /> Bruce Bailey, director of Lane County Solid Waste Division, said the mobile home <br /> was formerly in use at the Day Island landfill and would be required at the new <br /> location. <br /> Public hearing was closed, there being no further testimony. <br /> Resolution No. 2349 - Authorizing mobile home for temporary office at Bethel- <br /> Danebo sanitary landfill (Lane County) was submitted and <br /> read by number and title. <br /> Mrs. Campbell moved seconded by Mr. McDonald to adopt the resolution. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. O. <br />C. Rezoning from R-l to RP-SR property at northeast corner of 40th and Donald (Sletten) <br /> -,,/ Recommended' by" the 'pi anni-ng--Co!nrrii ssion on October',[i;' 1974. 'Maps 'oTthe' area <br />~ad-Deen-distributed to Council members. <br /> Mrs. Beal moved seconded ~y Mr. Wood to set public hearing on the zone change recom-i <br /> , <br /> mendation for'the November 12, 1974 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Comm <br /> 1+f6/7 4 <br /> Pub Hrng <br /> 377 11/12/74 - 2 <br />