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<br /> There is increasing pressure for the City to make those improvements. <br /> Therefore, there exists the possi bil ity of di srupti ng any tree pl anting e <br /> that might be done before the reconstruction was completed. Mr. Allen <br /> also said the staff was trying to find alternate funding participation <br /> guch as. flom the State to assi st in tne imp'r~vement pro{ect. It mi ght <br /> e pOSS1D e to lncorporate tree-plantlng wit the stree improvements. <br /> Mr. Delay also agreed the area needed to be made more attractive. <br /> He felt it would behoove City Council and staff to consider ordinances <br /> to make such improvements a requirement of future development, i.e., <br /> requiring buffer zones. Jim Saul, Planner, commented the amendment <br /> Council passed several months ago regarding landscaping and commercial <br /> parking areas spoke to that need. However, it did exclude industrially <br /> zoned areas. <br /> Mayor Keller wondered if the issue would be dealt with in the West <br /> Industrial Study Process. Mr. Saul said the initial draft of the <br /> study is out, with the Planning Department meeting \'lith property <br /> owners Thursday. The Planning Commission will consider the study <br /> in January. However, the study does not deal with the cosmetic <br /> treatment of West 11th. <br /> Ms. Smith supported the concern, and raised the question of receiving <br /> tentative cost factors involved. Mr. Delay reiterated the study <br /> should be comprehensive and includ~ prevention of such situations as <br /> the City continues to develop. Mr. Williams noted it was a city-wide <br /> problem, and a very difficult one to tackle. <br /> It was consensus of Counci 1 that the Council Assi stants in coopera-e <br /> ti on with the staff and Manager waul d be requested to develop a <br /> possible program for the cosmetic treatment of West 11th, with <br /> alternatives to financing; and suggestions as to requirements of <br /> such a program for future new development. <br /> C. Sister City: Kakegawa, Japan--Mayor Keller distributed a letter <br /> received from the Mayor indicating their City Council would consider <br /> support of the Sister City Program at its meeting in December. <br /> D. Results of November 1977 Public Opinion Survey--Mayor Keller requested <br /> a report from staff as to how the City government has responded to <br /> the citizen answers and opinions. He also requested information about <br /> how the survey results might be related to Eugene taxpayers' positions <br /> rel ative to Ballot f'/leasures 6 and 11 at the November el ecti on. <br /> Manager responded the purpose of the survey was to aid the Council in <br /> finding out what the total public thought in terms of services and <br /> taxati.on. It was an attempt to counteract special interest groups <br /> demands during the budget process. The survey of 1,100 interviewees <br /> got at some basic questions of City services. He said at the November <br /> 1 Council meeting, staff would present some of the statements in <br /> terms of the top five to ten concerns and what the staff and City has <br /> - <br /> 10/25/78--2 <br /> 100 <br />