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<br /> . <br /> . <br /> Mr. Clarke Cox, 1085 Patterson, spoke in favor of the historic <br /> desiqnatlon. e <br /> CB 2016--Authorizinq Historic Landmark Desiqnation for the First <br /> Conqreqational Church, located at 492 East 13th Avenue was <br /> read by number and title only, there beinq no Councilor <br /> present requestinq that it be read in full. <br /> Mr. Delay moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, that findinqs sup- <br /> portina the Historic desiqnation as set forth in Historic <br /> Review Board staff notes and minutes of September 27, 1979, be <br /> adopted ~v reference thereto: that the bill be read the second <br /> time by council bill number only, with unanimous consent of <br /> the Council: and that enactment be considered at this time. <br /> Motion carried unanimously and the bill was read the second <br /> time by council bill number only. <br /> Mr. Delay moved, seconded by Ms. Smith, that the bill be <br /> approved and qiven final passaqe. Roll call vote. All <br /> Councilors present votinq aye, the bill was declared passed <br /> and numbered 18527. <br /> B. Request for Historic Landmark Desianation for the Southern Pacific <br /> passenaer depot and outbuildinqs, located at the north end of <br /> Willamette Street (H 79-2) (Map distributed) Time: 5/5 min. <br /> Recommended approval by Historic Review Board September 27, 1979. <br /> Judy Rees, Housina and Community Conservation Department, said e <br /> that due to objections on the part of Southern Pacific officials <br /> reqardinq the site and the proposal, staff recommends historical <br /> desiqnation for the buildinqs, excludinq the qrounds. She sai d that <br /> historic desianation is recommended based on the Depot's relation to <br /> the broad cultural history of the area. It helped to ensure qrowth <br /> in 1871, as the owner of the railroad at that time had considered <br /> crossinq the river in Sprinafield and there would then have been no <br /> railroad service for Euaene. The buildinq is also representative of <br /> the character of the railroad style of architecture and has excellent <br /> craft and detail. It is also included in an official reqister of <br /> historic places in the state of Oreaon. <br /> Since the Southern Pacific Railroad officials had expressed opposition <br /> to inclusion of the arounds, it was recommended only the buildinqs be <br /> proposed for .historic desiqnation. The zoninq and sian reaulations <br /> will not be affected by the desiqnation. Ms. Rees noted a letter of <br /> support from the Whiteaker Community Council. <br /> No ex parte contacts or conflicts of interest were declared <br /> by Councilors. <br /> Staff notes and minutes were entered into the record. <br /> Public hearina was opened. <br /> e <br /> 5'11 10/29/79--2 <br />