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(180 days from July 30, 2019) unless replaced earlier by an emergency rule, temporary rule, or <br />permanent rule adopted in accordance with the provisions of EC 2.019. <br />BUTTERFLY LOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES <br />1.000 APPLICATION OF PARK AND OPEN SPACE RULES <br />The Park and Open Space Rules adopted by Administrative Order No. 58-17-07-F, <br />and all amendments thereto, shall apply to the half -block of property located on the west side of <br />Oak Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues in Downtown Eugene, commonly referred to as <br />the Butterfly Lot. Notwithstanding any provision of the Park and Open Space Rules, the parking <br />structure located on the Butterfly Lot is open 24 -hours a day to persons using the parking structure <br />for permitted or hourly parking. <br />Dated this 2 day of July, 2019. <br />Jon R. Ruiz <br />City Manager <br />Administrative Order - Page 2 of 2 <br />