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ORDINANCE NO. 19742 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING LICENSED ACTIVITIES AND UNIFORM <br />BUSINESS PRACTICES; AMENDING AND RENUMBERING SECTION <br />3,012 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971 TO 2.019; ADDING SECTIONS <br />3.205, 3.207, 3.209, 3.211, AND 3.213 TO THAT CODE; <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 2.020, 3.005, 3.011, 3.015, 3.020, <br />3.035, 3.040, 3.041, 3.050, 3.055, 3.060, 3.131, 3.175, <br />3.285, 3.281, 3.288, 3.289, 3.291, 3.292, 3.293, 3.882, <br />3.886, AND 3.890 OF THAT CODE; REPEALING SECTIONS 3.lll, <br />3.192, AND 3.295 OF THAT CODE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY <br />AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Section 3.012 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is hereby renum- <br />bered 2.019 and amended to provide: <br />2.019 City Manager - Administrative and Ruiemaking Authority and Proce <br />lures. <br />~1} The city manager or designee shall have the authority to: <br />~a} Administer oaths; <br />fib} Audit records to assure conformance with this code; <br />~c} Certify official acts; <br />~d} Subpoena and require attendance of witnesses at meetings <br />or hearings to determine compliance with this code; <br />fie} Require production of relevant dacuments; <br />~f} Swear witnesses; <br />fig} Take testimony of any person by deposition; and <br />~h} Perform all other acts necessary to administer or <br />enforce the provisions of this code. <br />~2} Notice of Rulemakin . Prior to the adoption, amendment, or <br />repeal of any rule, the city shall give notice of intended rulemaking by: <br />~a} Making copies of the notice of intended rulemaking <br />available to any person who has requested such notice, and to any <br />business which possesses a license issued pursuant to the rule; <br />fib} Publishing the notice of intended rulemaking in a news- <br />paper of genera] circulation for at least five days. <br />~3} Contents of Notice. The notice of intended rulemaking sha11 <br />state the subject matter and purpose of the intended action in sufficient <br />detail to inform a person that the person's interests may be affected, and <br />the time, place, and manner in which interested persons may present their <br />views on the intended action. This notice shall include: <br />~ a} A ci tati on of the city's legal authority to promulgate <br />the rule; <br />fib} A statement of the need for the rule and a statement of <br />haw the rule is intended to meet the need; and <br />~c} A 1 i st of the principal documents, reports, or studies, <br />if any, prepared by or relied upon by the city in considering the <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />