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ORDINANCE NO. 19145 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DEVELOPMENT CHARGES; AMENDING <br />SECTIONS 7.215, 7.277, 7.279, 7.281, 7.253, AND 1.285 <br />OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1911; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Sections 7.275, 7.271, 1.279, 7.281, 1.283, and 7.285 of <br />the Eugene Code, 1971, are amended to provide: <br />7.215 Develo ment Char e - Definitions. In sections 7.271 to 7.285, <br />the following words and phrases mean: <br />Bu,i 1 di ng types . C1 ass i f i cati vn of a level opment, as follows : <br />Type A. -Open carports and accessory buildings. <br />Tyke B. Private garages. <br />Type C. Industrial plants and warehouses. <br />Type a. Single and multi-family dwellings, apartment <br />houses, public garages and stores. . <br />Type E. Churches, motels, offices, service stations, <br />theaters, schavls and convalescent hospitals. <br />Type F. Banks, hospitals, hotels, medical offices and <br />restaurants. <br />The building official shall determine the most appropriate <br />building type for any development which does not fit clearly <br />within a single type. <br />Development. Any improvement to real property, including <br />installation on a site of a structure built elsewhere and <br />construction that includes the assembling on a site of components <br />manufactured elsewhere. <br />Fi_nanci,al,,,_support. A contri buti on by the city to a <br />development of ; <br />~a} Cash <br />fib} Transfer of 1 and owned by the city or one of its <br />agencies to a developer at a cost below its original acquisition <br />cast or the current market value, whichever is greater; <br />~c} A public improvement to the site of a private development <br />as specified in the contract between the developer and the city <br />ar one of its agencies; <br />~d} Tax abatement. <br />Imperviou,s__surfac~. Earth surface made impervious by <br />development to vertical downward penetration by water. <br />Owner. Beneficial owner. <br />Re Tonal sanitar sewers a facilities. Sanitary sewer facili- <br />ties designated as "Regional Sewerage Facilities" in any present or <br />future intergovernmental agreement to which the city is a party. <br />Value. <br />~a} The estimated cast of a development proposed or commenced <br />but not completed, as determined by the building official and <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />