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ORDINANCE N0, 19756 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE UNIFORM FIRE CODE; REPEAL- <br />ING SECTION 5.190 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; AMENDING <br />SECTION 5.001 OF THAT CODE; AMENDING AND RENUMBERING <br />SECTION 8.200 OF THAT CODE; RENUMBERING SECTION 8.205 <br />of THAT CODE; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY.. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The definitions far Fire Chief and Fire Code ar Fire Pre- <br />vention Code set forth in Section 8,001 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are amended <br />to provide: <br />$.001 Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter the following words <br />and phrases, except where the context clearly indicates a different <br />meaning, shall mean: <br />Chief. The city manager, or his/her designee. <br />Fire Cade or Fire Prevention Cade. The regulations adopted <br />by section 8.100. <br />Section 2. The caption preceding Section $.190 of the Eugene Cade, <br />1911,. is hereby amended, Section 8.190 of that Code is repealed, and Section <br />8.200 is renumbered 8.100, with Subsections X41}, X42}, and X43} thereof re- <br />numbered X43}, X44} and X45} respectively, and Subsections ~1} through ~4p} <br />thereof renumbered and/ar amended to provide: <br />Uniform Fire Code <br />8.100 Uniform Fire Code. <br />~1} The city hereby adopts as its uniform fire code, the State of <br />Oregon 1989 Edition Uniform Fire Code, subject to the additions, deletions, <br />and modifications set forth in this section. <br />~2} Appendix II-E and Appendix vI-A of the Uniform Fire Code are <br />not adapted. The Appendices II-E and vI-A set forth immediately following <br />this section 8.100 of the Eugene Code, 1971, are hereby adopted. <br />~3} Subsection 1 of Appendix I-D of the Uniform Fire Code is <br />amended by amending subparagraph ~c} to provide: <br />~c} S_cope. Buildings shal 1 meet al 1 applicable state and <br />1 oval codes far fire and life safety and the following standards . <br />The foster home shall be inspected by the local fire department if <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />