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EUGENE CITY COUNCIL <br />AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> <br /> Work Session: Draft Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program Project List <br /> <br />Meeting Date: December 8, 2004 Agenda Item Number: C <br />Department: Public Works Engineering Staff Contact: Mark Schoening <br />www. cl. eugene, or. us Contact Telephone Number: 682-5243 <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />The City Council is requested to approve the project list in draft FY2005-2007 Metropolitan <br />Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP). The project list (Attachment A) is annotated to reflect <br />the proposed changes from the project list in the current MTIP. The Metropolitan Policy Committee <br />(MPC) is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the draft MTIP on December 9, 2004. <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />On June 9, 2004, the City Council passed a motion that all project lists or funding allocations for <br />projects within the City of Eugene or the Eugene urban growth boundary generated through the <br />Transportation Planning Committee (TPC) for the MPC/Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) <br />approval shall first be reviewed and approved by the Eugene City Council before the TPC <br />recommendations are reviewed for approval by the MPC/MPO, including review of regional projects in <br />which the City is a stakeholder. <br /> <br />The project list in the draft FY2005-2007 MTIP includes two new City of Eugene projects. The first <br />project is the realignment of Airport Road. The City has received $1,800,000 from the Federal Aviation <br />Administration (FAA) for the realignment of Airport Road as part of the parallel runway project. This <br />project has been identified in the Airport Master Plan and the Capital Improvement Plan for a number of <br />years. The $1.8 million will be augmented by the required 5% local match ($90,000), utilizing a <br />combination of Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) revenue and general Airport capital reserves. The <br />second project is the Patterson Underpass. The estimated cost of the project is $11,900,000. The project <br />will include the extension of Patterson Street from Franklin Boulevard to the north side of the railroad <br />tracks and will provide a grade separated access to a potential hospital on the property currently owned <br />by the Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB). This project has been discussed in some detail with <br />the council, most recently at a City Council work session on September 22, 2004. At that meeting, the <br />council passed a motion which in part directed staff to pursue a development agreement with McKenzie- <br />Willamette Medical Center for the benefit of providing access to the EWEB property via the Patterson <br />Underpass. <br /> <br />Federal legislation requires that the MPO, in cooperation with the state and transit operators, develop an <br />MTIP that is updated and approved at least every two years by the MPC and the Governor. Copies of <br />the MTIP are provided to the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal Transit <br />Administration (FTA). Specific requirements for the MTIP are outlined in various implementation rules <br /> <br /> L:\CMO\2004 Council Agendas\M041208\S041208C.doc <br /> <br /> <br />