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<br /> <br />City of Eugene <br />125 East 8 Avenue, 2 Floor <br />thnd <br />Eugene, Oregon 97401 <br />(541) 682-5010 <br />(541) 682-5414 (FAX) <br /> <br /> <br />Two-Week Edition of the <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER <br />December 19, 2013 <br /> <br />IN THIS EDITION <br /> <br />PUBLIC WORKS CLEANING UP AFTER MAJOR WINTER STORM <br />CITY SUSTAINABILITY LIAISON ATTENDS UNITED NATIONS-SPONSORED MEETING <br />ONE-DAY TRIALS TAKE GUESSWORK OUT OF CLASSES <br />WINTER BREAK FOR KIDS AND TEENS AT EUGENE PUBLIC LIBRARY <br />VIDEO ENCOURAGES PET OWNERS TO BE WELL-TRAINED <br />AROUND THE CITY <br />Public Works Cleaning Up after Major Winter Storm <br />Public Works has entered the recovery phase of a major winter storm event that put the department in emergency <br />response mode for seven days. <br /> <br />Public Works opened its emergency command center (ECC) early <br />on Friday morning, Dec. 6, and operated round-the-clock until 6 <br />a.m. on Friday, Dec. 13. It quickly became apparent that the volume <br />of snow and the continued sub-freezing temperatures were more <br />than had been forecast, and an ice-snow emergency was declared <br />several hours after opening the ECC on Dec. 6. <br /> <br />Using priority route maps and constant field reports, staff used a <br />combination of plowing, sanding and deicing to clear roadways or <br />provide traction when the packed snow and ice became too hard <br />to plow effectively. Crews also cleared snow and ice from a <br />number of downtown access ramps, sidewalks, pedestrian bridges <br />and bikeways. <br /> <br />Over the course of the seven-day emergency response, crews applied 957 cubic yards of gravel and 6,583 gallons of <br />magnesium chloride deicer. Response crews logged nearly 4,000 hours. Total costs of the effort to date are in the range of <br />$125,000. Public Works budgeted about $100,000 in road and stormwater funds for emergency storm responses in FY14, <br />and some of the $125,000 is for regular personnel costs and equipment costs the department would have incurred for <br />other activities (such as leaf collection) had the storm not occurred, so it appears that any non-budgeted expenses can be <br />met through some thoughtful prioritization of road and stormwater activities for the rest of the fiscal year. <br /> <br />Meanwhile, the snow is gone, but the event lives on in the recovery phase. City sweepers are making a concerted effort to <br />clear the sand from arterial routes by the end of this week, and then the effort will shift to the south hills, where much of <br />the traction sand was applied. The sweepers will be doing double duty as they also are needed to support the leaf collection <br />program, which resumed on Monday. <br /> <br />For more information, please contact Surface Operations Manager Eric Johnson at 541-682-4904. <br /> <br />City Sustainability Liaison Attends United Nations-Sponsored Meeting <br />Sustainability Liaison Babe O’Sullivan was recently invited to attend a meeting of the North American Roundtable on <br />Sustainable Production and Consumption (NARSPAC) at the invitation of the United Nations Environmental Programme, a <br />trip paid for by the UN. The group is a consortium of American and Canadian government representatives, academic and <br />international organizations working to advance the UN’s 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption <br />and Production. <br /> <br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL NEWSLETTER PAGE 1 <br />December 19, 2013 <br />