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Exhibit F <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />TAX MAP 17-04-11-11, TAX LOT 4199 <br />SITUATED in Lane CQ un t y , State of Oregon in the Northeast 1/4 Of Section fl, Township 17 <br />South, Range 4 West Of th' Willamette Meridian and described as fbtlows- <br />BEING all those lands conveyed in that Wanwry Deed recorded on December 27, 2012 as <br />Reception Number 20 12 -00 66289 in the Lane County 0 regon Offi c ial Records said lands being <br />more or less described as folloviT: <br />BEGINNING at the Soutliew co rner o f those lands conveyed in that Warranty Deed <br />recorded on Deccmbcr 27, 2012 ass Reception Number 2012-0066289 in the Lane Couuty <br />Oregon Official Records; THENCE North 89 WM 467.67 feet (West, 584-66 feet <br />On the tax reap }; TLIENCE Nortb 00 East, 100.05 fact THENCE South 89 <br />East 467.63 feet (East 584.66 feet on the tax map); THENCE South 00 West, <br />101.09 feet ('South 99-0 feet on the tax map) to the POINT OF BEGINNING. <br />TAX MAP 17-04-11-12, TAX 11 OT <br />SITUATED in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northeast 114 of Section 11, Tuwmship 17 <br />South, Ranze 4 West of the Willamette Nfe and desctibed as follows, <br />BEING all those lands conveyed in that Statutory Warranty Deed recorded on Mareb 24, 2006 <br />as Reception Number 2006-020457 in the Lane Cotint Oregon official Records; said lands <br />being more or less described a f o ll ows: <br />BEGINNING at the Northeast comer of those lands conveyed in that Warranty Deed <br />recorded on December 2 7, 2012 as Reception Number 2012- 0066289 M the Lane County <br />Oregon Official Records; THENCE North 89"4744" West, 560.82 feet; THENCE North <br />1717'44" West, 188.35 feet (N orth 17 19'30" West, 188.27 feet an the tax map); THENCE <br />South 89 0 47 1 44" East, 439.76 feet (South 8 9*49'3 0" East on the tax map), THENCE South <br />00' 12'16 " West, 129.52 feet (8 auth 00' 10'3 West, 129,52 feet on the tax map); THENCE <br />South 89°47'44" East, 120.00 feet (120.0 feet on the ta map); 'THENCE North 00 6 <br />Eas% 129.52. feet (North 00' 10130" East, 129.52 feet an the tax nW), THENCE South <br />89c'50'26" East, 57.72 feet; THENCE South 00'12'39" West, 179.68 feet to the POINT OF <br />BEGINNtNG, <br />