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Ordinance No. 20526
City of Eugene
2014 No. 20520 - 20547
Ordinance No. 20526
Entry Properties
Last modified
3/24/2014 9:05:45 AM
Creation date
3/24/2014 9:05:40 AM
Council Ordinances
University Area Protection Measures
Approved Date
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(m) Deed Restriction. Prior to issuance of a building permit for the <br />secondary dwelling (or the primary dwelling if it is constructed later), the <br />owner shall provide the city with a copy of a deed restriction on a form <br />approved by the city that has been recorded with the Lane County <br />Clerk. The deed restriction must include a reference to the deed under <br />which the property was acquired by the present owner and include the <br />following provisions: <br />1. One of the dwellings must be the principal residence of a property <br />owner who is the majority owner of the property. Requirements <br />for occupancy shall be determined according to the applicable <br />provisions of the Eugene Code. <br />2. The deed restriction runs with the land and binds the property <br />owner(s), heirs, successors and assigns. <br />3. The deed restriction may be terminated, upon approval by the <br />City, when one of the dwellings is removed, or at such time as the <br />city code no longer requires principal occupancy of one of the <br />dwellings by the owner. <br />In addition, the applicable maximum occupancy limitation in <br />subsection (h) above must be included in the deed restriction. <br />(n) Verification. At least once every two years, the property owner shall <br />provide to the city documentation of compliance with the ownership and <br />occupancy requirements of subsection (k) above. The property owner <br />must provide a copy of the current property deed to verify ownership <br />and two forms of documentation to verify occupancy of the principal <br />residence. Acceptable documentation for this purpose includes voter’s <br />registration, driver’s license, homeowner’s insurance, income tax filing, <br />and/or utility bill. <br />(o) Parking. For the primary dwelling, there shall be a minimum of one and <br />a maximum of two parking spaces on the lot. There shall be one <br />additional parking space on the lot for the exclusive use for the <br />occupants and guests of the secondary dwelling. <br />(p) Alley Access Parking and Driveway. The standards at EC 9.2751(18)(k) <br />are applicable to attached and detached secondary dwellings where <br />primary vehicle access for the required parking is from an alley. <br />(q) Pedestrian Access. A pedestrian walkway shall be provided from the <br />street or alley to the primary entrance of the secondary dwelling. The <br />pedestrian walkway shall be a hard surface (concrete, asphalt or <br />pavers) and shall be a minimum of 3 feet in width. The standards in this <br />subsection (q) are applicable to attached and detached secondary <br />dwellings, except that if primary vehicle access for the required parking <br />is from an alley, the path must be provided from the alley. <br />(r) Primary Entrance. The primary entry to a secondary dwelling shall be <br />defined by a covered or roofed entrance with a minimum roof depth and <br />width of no less than 3 feet. The standards in this subsection (r) are <br />applicable to detached secondary dwellings only. <br />(s) Outdoor Storage/Trash. Outdoor storage and garbage areas shall be <br />screened from view from adjacent properties and those across the street <br />or alley with a minimum 42-inch tall 100-percent site obscuring fence or <br />enclosure on at least three sides. The standards in this subsection (s) <br />are applicable to detached secondary dwellings only. <br />(t) Maximum Wall Length. Along the vertical face of the dwelling, offsets <br />Ordinance - Page 11 of 17 <br />
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