Neighborhood Association Newsletter Workshop
<br />On Saturday, October 23, twenty-two neighborhood newsletter editors, leaders, and volunteers from
<br />fourteen neighborhood associations gathered to share their knowledge. The workshop was a
<br />collaboration between the City's Neighborhood Services and Eugene Neighbors Inc. (ENI), a local non-
<br />profit formed to support neighborhood groups. ENI members focused on all the work that goes on to
<br />produce a newsletter before it reaches the City, the ins and outs of publishing your own newsletter, and
<br />various delivery systems. Steve Norris, Neighborhood Liaison, explained in detail the various print
<br />options and processes and City guidelines, procedures, and funding. All in all, a lot of information to
<br />share in three hours! For more information on ENI, contact its chair, Jon Belcher at 343-6695 or via e-
<br />mail ( For information on the City's Neighborhood Associations, contact Steve Norris,
<br />Planning and Development, 682-5009 (
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<br />Fleet Shop Achieves ASE 'Blue Seal' Certification
<br />Fleet and Radio Communication Services, a section within Public Works
<br />Maintenance, continues to excel in achieving technician and shop
<br />certifications. In the January 16, 2004, Eugene City Council Newsletter, it
<br />was reported that the Radio Shop had received organizational certification --'~ ~ c~
<br />from NARTE (National Association of Radio and Telecommunications
<br />Engineers). The other half of this section, the Fleet Shop, has now achieved
<br />the highest credential awarded by the National Institute for Automotive
<br />Service Excellence (ASE), the ASE Blue Seal of Excellence. This "~'~ ""~" ?~"'""~' ~'¢'~:~'""~ '~'"" '%~' '~'~'~" .....
<br />recognition requires that 75% of fleet technicians be individually ASE-certified, and that there is at least
<br />one ASE-certified technician in each area of service offered in the shop. Blue Seal certification
<br />credentials must remain current and are reviewed annually by ASE.
<br />
<br />ASE is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of vehicle repair and service by means
<br />of testing and certification for automotive repair and service professionals. Achieving individual ASE
<br />Fleet technician certification is currently voluntary, but is an important part of the overall team effort to
<br />further the professional credentials of the entire section. With both the Fleet and Radio shops now
<br />organizationally certified by leaders in their respective industries, this section has risen to meet this
<br />particular challenge, and will continue to go the extra mile in support of City customers.
<br />
<br />The City of Eugene's Fleet Shop is one of only four municipalities within the 67 businesses in Oregon to
<br />achieve ASE's Blue Seal status. For more information about this section's recent accomplishments,
<br />contact Fleet and Radio Communication Services Manager Carlos Davis at 682-4800 or by email at
<br />
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<br />State Panel Awards Grant Funds for Ten Pedestrian Islands in Eugene
<br />Public Works Engineering received word that a grant for 10
<br />pedestrian refuge islands has been awarded to the City of Eugene
<br />by the Oregon Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. The
<br />proposal was to provide safer pedestrian access to bus stops for
<br />those who must cross busy streets in Eugene. The islands would
<br />offer a refuge at the center of a street so bus riders can wait for a gap
<br />in traffic one direction at a time. The total grant amount was
<br />$156,265, including a local match of $31,254 to be shared equally by
<br />the City of Eugene and Lane Transit District. Funds will be available
<br />beginning in July 2005.
<br />
<br />Criteria for selecting the sites for the islands included access to a bus
<br />stop, relatively high traffic volumes and speeds, high density
<br />residential or employment centers nearby, and high transit use on the
<br />corridor. Constraints to siting islands included driveways, street
<br />intersections that needed a dedicated left turn lane, and lack of a center turn lane in which to install the
<br />island. Sites chosen include River Road at Owosso and Knoop Lane, two locations on Country Club
<br />Road, Goodpasture Island Road at Wimbledon Court and Alexander, Roosevelt Boulevard at Bethel
<br />Drive, 1st Avenue at Monroe Street, Jefferson Street at 21st Avenue, and 19th Avenue at Mill Street. For
<br />more information, contact Diane Bishop, bicycle and pedestrian coordinator, at 682-5471.
<br />
<br />October 28, 2004
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