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Item A: Review of Draft Request for Proposals for 10th and Charnelton Development Site
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2006
CC Agenda - 05/24/06 Work Session
Item A: Review of Draft Request for Proposals for 10th and Charnelton Development Site
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Last modified
6/9/2010 1:04:43 PM
Creation date
5/18/2006 8:12:52 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />A. Development Team Identification and Experience <br /> <br />1. Provide the name, address, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the <br />development team. Identify the principal person(s) within the development team <br />authorized to negotiate on its behalf. <br /> <br />2. Identify and describe any relationship the development team may have with <br />subsidiaries, joint venture partners, or others who are significant to the project. <br /> <br />3. Provide documentation demonstrating that the development team is qualified to <br />undertake the proposed project including: <br /> <br />a. Resumes of key development team members; <br />b. Experience with projects similar to the proposed project; <br />c. Experience with developments in urban areas; <br />d. Experience with public/private development; <br />e. Examples, including images, of prior projects that demonstrate high-quality <br />architectural design and urban design; and <br />f. Access to financial resources consistent with the project requirements. <br /> <br />B. Development Proposal <br /> <br />1. Provide a detailed description of the proposed project including identification of the <br />proposed mix of uses and how they meet the urban design, active uses, and <br />sustainable development objectives for the site. <br /> <br />2. Provide graphic information including site plans, elevations and floor plans <br />containing sufficient detail to show the scale, scope, size, and mix of project elements <br />at a scale and level of detail necessary to demonstrate conformance with the <br />development objectives for the site. <br /> <br />3. Provide a preliminary schedule for development of the proposed project which <br />addresses, at a minimum, property acquisition, design and preparation of plans, <br />commencement of construction, and completion of construction. The schedule <br />should provide for development in a logical and expeditious manner. <br /> <br />4. If the project requires acquisition of other properties or agreements with other <br />property owners, provide evidence that these properties can be acquired or that <br />relevant agreements have been initiated. <br /> <br />"-_.-'-~-- <br /> <br />--_..~ ...'----- <br />""--------- <br />~-- <br /> <br /> <br />Request for Proposals <br />10th & Chamelton Development Site <br /> <br />10 <br />
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